Mushed puffs

lah lah lah. Work- not horrible. Did show my pictures, but didn’t explicitly say that AJ was my girlfriend, which I’m kinda peeved at myself about, but whatever. Some of the pics, it is sort of obvious I would think? Unless they just think we’re really good friends, which they prolly do. And, we are. But. lol. Whatever. Truth be told, most people were sufficiently freaked out by the snake pics that they wouldn’t’ve noticed had I labled her as my girlfriend. (AJ, not the snake. Eesh.)

Going to my sisters this weekend, which is kewl, cuz I want to ya know, see her and see the baby, and it’s his 1 year birthday on Friday (how can he be ONE???) However, what that means was that I couldn’t go visit AJ and she couldn’t come here to visit me. However……talked to AJ and talked to my sister, and AJ’s gonna come visit at my sister’s house!!!! *claps*

My sister cracks me up. I was like “Are you suuuuuure? She was like “yeah, of course. geesh” in a tone that didn’t exactly imply that she was sure. Mostly it just came off as she was trying to be nonchalant about it, but wasn’t lol. So that was all fine. Then she’s like, “so….are you gonna sleep in the same room or different…?” And I was like “Different is fine. Whatever….” And she was like “I just need to know so that I can wash the sheets on the yellow bed if I need to…” And I was kinda like “Wellll….we don’t sleep in different rooms when we visit each other, cuz we don’t have different rooms! So. But. Whatever you’re comfortable with is fine…” She said we could just figure it out when we got there. And I couldn’t help but add…”I promise we won’t have crazy, raging sex while we’re there.” lol. Her response? “eeewwwwww!!!! That’s like thinking of MOM having sex!! Don’t go there!!” (moreso I think cuz I’m her little sister, not cuz my partner happens to also be a girl. hehe.) I told her it was payback for all of the times I’ve had to see her husband in his tiny little purple speedo. *grin* I’m horrible.

So. I think there will be awkward bits, but overall it should be fine. So long as AJ doesn’t try to blow up the house or throw the baby out a window, my sister said. I assured her that she wouldn’t. 🙂

Ack!! I hope she likes her. I hope they like each other! Cuz. Well. At this point…H and I are doing pretty well, relationship wise, and I don’t want that to fall all to hell again. But, we talk way more than we ever did, and stay on the phone for 20 and 30 minutes at a time, just chattering about things. And it’s just nice to feel like she’s back in my life, ya know? Nice that we don’t have to spend 20 minutes “catching up” on everything cuz we hadn’t talked in 2 months…that kind of thing.

And!!! My baby boy is walking!!!! Not totally. But he walks back and forth between the couches all by himself, H says, and then turns around and gives you this goofy proud look like “You saw that right?? You saw how awesome I am, didn’t you?!!” He’s growing up so fast. Oi. Need to remember camera.

I was looking at my skewl schedule. It would be absolutely PERFECT if my clinical was at the hospital right up the road from me. That way, I would be sure always to get to my class on main campus on time. PLUS, I’d only have to go to VC (the other campus) *three* times a week, instead of 4. That makes a big difference. Not to mention the fact that clinical starts at 7am, and if I am at this close hospital, I can get up at 630 and still feasibly make it on time. Whereas with the other hospitals, I’d have to get up at *least* by 515am. And. I am NOT a morning person. I gaurantee I will be late every day if it’s at one of the far away places!! Gah. Life would be so much less stressful if I got the one here in town. *crosses fingers* I mean, my schedule says I have Cindy, and I’m pretty positive that Cindy only ever does the clinical here at this hospital. But. They may have, for the time being, just put *everyone* in her clinical group and will seperate us into our real sections at a later date. OR there’s always the possiblity that Cindy will go to a different hospital- I don’t exactly see her doing that, but there *are* new staff this year, so. Things change.

UGH. No matter WHAT, I just want to know. I hate this fucking pointless worry, but I can’t totally control it, either.

It’s funny, but I just realized that I’m far more worried about H’s “approval” of AJ than I am of my mum’s. I s’pose that’s not surprising, as mum and I don’t exactly have much of a relationship right now. *sigh* And, H essentially raised me, so.

AJ and I went with her friend to the tattoo/piercing place last week, and I commissioned AJ to draw me up a tattoo. 🙂 It’s sappy and maybe silly or something, but. lol. One of my “dreams,” cheesy as it may seem, is to get matching tattoos with…well, with whoever I plan to spend the rest of my life with. Which. Would definately be AJ. (hehe. Hopefully this is one of those times that J wouldn’t interject “For now” into, as she often does when I talk about the definitiveness (is that a word?!) of things *grin* She wouldn’t tho, she already said that AJ sounds v much like a keeper! So. :oD hehe.) Anyways. Yeah, so. Matching tattoos. AJ, I think, isn’t totally keen on getting any tattoos, and because of her job she’s not allowed to have any facial piercings, really, tho she mentioned she wanted an eyebrow ring. (mmmm YUMMY) But the tattoo…that would prevent her from giving blood and such for a year, etc. So, it’s certainly not anything that I would push on someone if they didn’t willingly want to do it!

So. But. I wouldn’t want to get something like “AJ + [E] Forever” inked in to me or whatnot, just cuz…eh. I dunno. Even if I could see in to the future and KNOW that we’d be together forever…I still wouldn’t really want that on me 🙂 And. I’ve been aching to get another tattoo, but don’t know what I want. So! She’s a bit of an artist (i repeat: YUMMY) So she said she’d draw me something. Then. I can get that and later, if she so chooses, she could get a matching one. lol. or not. But I definately want another tattoo.

lah. Just talked to AJ for 40 minutes, and am tired. And don’t remember if there was anything else that I was going to write here. So.

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ugh.. white man, purple speedos.. nightmares. thankyouverymuchforthatimage. -bc

August 9, 2005

what exactly are you going to school for? nursing? mental health counseling?