Net Wt 15 0z (425g)

Wow! I took a lunesta and it doubled the length of my sleep. Yeah. I just slept for a whole four hours in a row! {insert sarcasm here.}

I feel….tired. And groggy. And like I need to go back to bed. Which I will do in a minute, even tho I’ll only have 2 more hours to doze/sleep.

Heh. I was all disoriented when I woke up. I looked at my watch and thought it was 630 AM, when really it was 630 PM. Oi vey.

I bought a new printer this morning. Yeah. Cuz I can barely afford to pay the bills, I know, I know. However, the old one….it pretty much died this week. It would print in colour, but not in black. Not to mention how often it ate the paper or misfed it, or simply bled random ink on to the page. eheh.

So. Staples was having a back-to-school special and I got an HP Stylus C66 for $30. Well, I paid something like 70 for it, but then there is a $40 rebate, so. Hoo-ray for me. It’s pretty, at least, and matches Electra and Mercury. Yay for that. And hopefully I won’t have to monitor it page by page by page and hand feed it every pieces of paper. Although, it does seem to print a tad slower than my Lexmark z25. But I’ve only tried pictures. P’raps it prints text quick-like. And besides, being able to pring an 8 page paper without having to stand there and hand feed the thing saves me a ton of time pretty much no matter *how* slow the damn thing is….So. I figured that I wouldn’t probably find a much better deal than this. Hopefully it is worth its retail price and NOT its sale price!!! Oh well.

Thinking I’ve definately got sinu shit going on, from the weird crackling/pressure pops in the bakck of my nose and throat. Lah. P’raps allergies. For the last 2 years I’ve gotten allergies pretty bad- the first time I thought I had bronchitis or something again, it was that icky, I was totally shocked when my dr told me it was allergies, handing me a bag of Allegra samples, (and a script for flonase, eeewww) and sent me on my way! It’s just odd to wait until one is like, 22 before developing allergies. Oh well. I have an appt with her next week, so if it hasn’t gone away by then, I’ll see what she can do about it.

AJ sent me an amazingly wonderful letter. *sigh* She’s….she’s simply….spectacular. I can’t think of a lovely enough adjective for her.

Took veggies up to M’s friend, T’s, house. Left them on the porch, hope they got them. Was gonna ring the bell or something, but. Well, I had just spent 40 minutes looking thru most of M’s accordian files of bills and whatnot, searching for vaccination papers for Dixie, which I never found. I did, however, find the bills for Topaz’s euthenasia- tumors and massive growths all thru her organs I think. And also Pitch’s euthenasia and emergency visit- got hit by a car. Only a few short months before, Topaz died. They were pretty old dogs…14 or something like that?? And, so. That made me teary enough, but then I got to T’s house and there are two dogs- one black, one light- just like Pitch and Topaz- and I really didn’t want to have to explain to anyone why delivering vegetables would make tears leak from my eyes. Eheh. *sigh* Topaz…I just….always felt connected to her. I remember how many mornings when I lived with them, that I’d wake up to her staring me in the face. Not licking me, not barking. Just standing there, waiting. And her tail would slowly start to wag when my eyes opened and then she’d nuzzle my hand when I stood up and nearly trip me as I trudged down the stairs to let them out to pee. They were both *extremely* patient and gentle with the babies, but Pitch was more apt to get up and walk away. Topaz would just let them sit on her or pull her ears (not that they did this menacingly or hard enough to hurt her. The kids were also rather gentle with the dogs) Sadly, I don’t have any pics of them in my computer. I’ll have to scan some. Ugh. headache or rather earache, when I move my head certain ways. Yick.

Back to bed for a few hours, cuz I’m a lazy sod. *sigh*

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Lazy Sods sleep WAY more than four hours at a time, man. Sounds like you need rest like any normal human being would. . I used to work psych. I enjoyed working with the mentally ill; it was the oxycontim addicts and the Meth Heads that made the job so frustrating. . I find myself helping out the guys in here who are mentally ill and have slepping through the cracks. Our “Rubber rooms” are

all concrete, and it is nothing to leave a naked soul in them for days at a time. The psych staff are so overwhelmed that they aren’t able to stay compassionate. Guys who crack up are treated more like animals than people. . You do get Rhinoscerous hide after a while. We don’t have many borderlines in here, because most of the time they are just smirked at, and told to finish the job the

the right way. Guys eat electrical outlets, and chew glass, and nobody really cares. It is scary sometimes, the things that we call “Normal.” . Gotta have stuff on the outside, here in the real world to keep one grounded, and to provide meaning, so that the mind doesn’t get dragged in. OD is my venting ground. . One more shift, and then I go hang out with family, ride four wheelers

through the woods, eat fried catfish, and celebrate my birthday. Yup, gotta have hobbies, or it’ll eat a person up inside. . Calvin and Hobbes? The best, man. The best comic strip ever. . Nice meeting you, dude.

August 8, 2005

*smile* We lucked into a hotel that will let Dixie stay while we are at Disney – MUCH nicer and cheaper – and I am sorry I made you spend so much time looking. answer…: a U Haul!! LOL!!