Thimbolz and teacups

I opened this up thinking that I wanted needed to write. But I’ve nothing to write about. They called me off work. About 30 mins before I was even to be there. Fuckwits. But apparently McDidiot has been found and is ok and is back to work. So. Yay. Good thing about being called off is NOT HAVING TO WORK WITH HER. heh. I shouldn’t be like that, as she’s one of those people who’s apt to drop dead at any minute and then I’ll be left with a mountain of guilt on my shoulders from thinking the things that I do. *sigh* She’s a lovely person, I’m sure. She’s just an idiot. I don’t wish her ill will. I just wish her to be at a job that doesn’t involve me.

I should eat, as I really haven’t done that today. I need bread.

I miss AJ.

I just spent 20 minutes being…stalker-ish? Not really. I was cleaning out my “Favourites” bookmarks, and came across a site I didn’t recognize the name of. Clicked on it. It’s one of Dor’s friends’ sites. That has a link to pictures of Dor’s wedding. And stuff. So. I had to torture myself by looking at them, and then by following other links to find other Dor-things on the web, to see if I could find any new things about what’s going on in his life. He and his wife have bought a house, apparently. And have 2 cats. And. Contrary to popular belief- perusing thru Dor stuff did not put me in a bad mood. More like, I was in a bad mood so I decided to browse thru Dor stuff. And. I dunno. I miss him. And I just talked to AJ on the phone, and I miss her too. And my head hurts something fierce.

And I don’t feel like doing anything but laying in bed. Well. I do feel like doing other things. But they’re even less allowed than apathy or lethargy or whatevery. I think I found out today that my clinical instructor is Cindy. And I don’t think Cindy goes to the far away hospital. She may actually go to the one that’s 3 minutes up the road from me. So that would be good. Of course, it could also be that they just have everyone under -one- clinical instructor if they haven’t actually given out assignments yet.

There must be something on the back porch, as the cat keeps throwing herself at the door. My eyes hurt. They…kind of sting but are mostly just warm? Prolly just irritated and trying to heal themselves from earlier today when they were all itchy and I kept rubbing them.

I need to send an email out to the allies list. I’m slacking on that. *sigh* I should just drop out now, cuz I’m going to hate being a member but not being able to participate in anything. I’m going to be annoyed by the new secretary if they don’t do certain things, like keep people informed of what’s going on, as I try to do. Even tho the members prolly get very sick of my frequent mailings. Oh well.

I wish my heart didn’t ache so much right now. Or my head.

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August 5, 2005

Makes you wonder how some people get past the interview process. What’s an interview for if not to weed out the tards and lazy bums?

-sniff- did you clean me? — i’m sorry, dear. it’ll get better. i just know it.