Mug Root Beer (no caffeine)

Ah, cleaning again. Which means, of course, not doing any actual cleaning but not being able to think about anything except how I should be cleaning. *rolls eyes*

The cats are both going crazy trying to get into the closet. Not sure what that’s about. It’s not like there’s a mouse in there or anything, and if there was, the door is so far off the ground, it could get out anyways, so….

Would like to roll on floor, screaming in agony right now, but am refraining from doing so. Feels like some of my internal organs are trying to seperate themselves from my body and make a run for it. bleuuuuurgh. What ever happened to PRE menstrual symptoms, HUH?? PRE as in BEFORE. NOT during, but befooooore. *grumbles*

Talked to AJ last nite, she’s going to try to get here tonite, even tho she works all day. Then the wedding Saturday, then she’s gonna leave on Sunday cuz there’s a friend of hers coming in from Colorado who doesn’t visit very often. So it makes sense for her to just go home on Sunday, since I work that nite anyways. She wanted me to try to come up midweek, but I work Sunday and Monday, so I’ll sleep all day Tuesday, then I have to work for Dr F on Wednesday, then I work Friday, Saturday AND Sunday. :o( I dunno. I’d really love to, but I dunno if it’s feasible or logical. Lots of work, little sleep, lots of driving. Prolly not the best idea.

HA. I just remembered that there was an in-service today at 2pm. Or there was s’posed to be. It was actually rescheduled. Or. It was cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date. *rolls eyes* Shite. I need to talk to HR lady and see when they’re going to be offering TB tests, cuz I need it for skewl. lah.

Speaking of skewl. I *really* need to get on the ball and get everything done that needs done, like renewing my liability insurance and seeing about everything else that needs to be complete before I can start again. It’s all due in August. lah. I just had my CPR renewed, and I dropped a copy of my card off when I went in to Dr F’s this week, so that’s taken care of. I need to do the TB thing. The liability insurance. Not sure what else. Books, need to buy books. (Which ticks me the fuck off. I spent $900+ the first semester on books that were s’posed to be used for the entire 2 years. Yet, each semester since, we’ve STILL had to buy books! It’s insane!! And more than that, I can’t AFFORD them!!! Grrr.) Which reminds me. I need to send a polite non-begging letter to Joyce to let her know of my class situation, so p’raps I’ll get in to a close enough Clinical that I won’t have to withdraw from the Relaxation Skills class that I’m taking in order to stay full time in order to keep my loans. Which I can’t seem to figure out if I’m even *getting* any loans. I’m trying very hard not to freak the fuck out about that right now. There’s just no room to.

I need to:
-brush cats
-shove NG into closet somewhere
-put laundry away
-empty garbage
-wash dishes
-type up stuff for Dr F
-check bank acct and see if I can afford rent

lah. I feel so crappy :o( I hope I can cheer up when/before AJ gets here. *sigh*

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July 29, 2005

I hope you feel better soon! Yea what is up with PMS>.Its supposed to be pre..unfortunately I get them pre, during and after..haha Take care of yourself