oh, poo.

Let me first say: “Girlness” sucks. :p Just cuz I only have to experience the sheer pleasure (insert sarcasm here) of it twice a year doesn’t mean that during those two times I must make up for the missed cramps, aches, and annoyances of the other 10 months. Why can’t I donate my uterus to science?

Eheh. Reminds me of a line from a song I heard Melissa Ferrick sing (a parody of Melissa Etheridge’s The Only One) That went something like “Yeah I’m a lesbian, I don’t know why God gave me ggs…”

eheh. On top of that, I am exhausted and don’t want to drive over to the other campus. This is evidenced by the fact that it’s 225 and I need to leave in 5 minutes yet I’m still sitting here in my pajamas typing away. *sigh*

I’m having this dilemma about wanting to talk about AJ at work and things. It’s quite frustrating and annoying. I wrote/babbled to J about it in a few emails yesterday and she sent me a lovely lengthy reply. But, the final thoughts on the matter were:
No right or easy answers. The goal isn’t necessarily the answer, but asking the questions and thinking about them, asking and thinking about them for you. You’re on track. Hugs, [J]

eheh. I think I probably expected as much, even tho I said she could answer with her allies hat and not her therapist hat. (But as I figured and as she stated, they’re nearly identical.) *g* So. Now I just need to ask someone who likes to be opinionated and give solicited and/or unsolicited advice. They don’t tend to think about right or easy, they just give answers!!! *grin* lah.

J did make good points in her email. But it doesn’t sway me towards any kind of final decision on the matter. I mean. Yesh, the goal isn’t necessarily the answer. But. Sometimes I just want answers!! (ha. Most of the time I just want answers. :op But most of the time I realize that things don’t always -have- answers. This however, has an answer. I just can’t find it yet.)

I think, eventually (and p’raps sooner than later) I’m just gonna take in pictures and be completely nonchalant about it, as if it were common knowledge that I was a lesbian and perfectly normal that I have a girlfriend (Well, cuz it IS normal that I have a girlfriend. But I know all of my coworkers don’t see it that way…) Maybe I was looking for J to tell me that it was a bad idea to do that. lol. Nah. I really don’t know what I was looking for.

Shit. I really do need to get dressed and on the road. It’s not like I don’t like working for Dr F (although the photocopying is getting REALLY old.) it’s just that it’s far away and I’m tired and crampy and generally not in a good mood right now. And I miss AJ. :op

To waste some extra time, I transcribed the lyrics as well as I could for that song I mentioned earlier:

I’m a Lesbian, Melissa Ferrick
Please mama can’t you see
I’ve always tried to please
I wore ribbons and jewely and makeup
and perfume and dresses down to my knees/
You said that it’s a phase,
jsut something I’d outgrow
but I got a girlfriend
and she’s got a lawn that I’d sure like to mow
Go on and wish that Brad Pitt would come along
but I prefer Madonna in a lacy thong
Cuz I’m a lesbian,
I don’t like nothing swinging ‘tween their legs
Yeah I’m a lesbian
I don’t know why God gave me eggs.

When I have sex it’s fun and clean
and no man can jump in between
no I don’t need no magic wand
I’m a lesbian.
They talk behind my back and criticize my life
but I get no complaints from Lou DIamond Philips’ wife
cuz I’m a lesbian
I’d rather be with Jane than Dick
Yeah I’m lesbian
a penis doesn’t do the trick
When we go in for 69
I know hers is the same as mine
Hide your wives cuz here I come,
I’m a lesbian
I’m a lesbian
(When does cheerleading practice start)
(Hey there cutie)

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*hugs* I hope you feel better soon. =o/

July 27, 2005

*ROTFLMAO* I’ve never heard that song. Too Funny. Reading it had me in stitches!!!!!!!!!

Yay, Melissa Ferrick;) Everyone is always like: who? lol As far as the pictures thing and co-workers opinions of the normality/abnormality of you being a lesbian, I think the real reason that people are shocked by gays and get so obnoxious with the morality talks and all their other nonsense is that people just assume other people are straight, and then they find out they’re wrong when they…

…when they learn that someone is not straight. If people didn’t just assume that everyone was straight, it wouldn’t really be an issue b/c people don’t like to be informed that they are wrong (even if it’s about assumptions), and then it would be just like they’re learning something new about you, because that’s what’s actually happening. My two cents. Just ranting!

I think that sometimes people DO surprise you… I think sometimes people *know* or suspect even if we think we’re doing a fine job of hiding certain things… There are and always will be those who will stand fast in their cement block shoes of ignorance, hon… but I think that those people are becoming a minority. (at least I like to think that 🙂

H, You’ll know the right time and people with whom to share pictures. I trust you. Hugs, Jeanne

July 28, 2005

Yeah, that’s the way I usually come out to co-workers and people in general. I don’t make a point of talking about my gayness. But if it comes up in conversation or I’m showing pictures I will talk about my boyfriend.–

awesome!!! 🙂