L is for Lush. And Lesbian. And…..

*raises eyebrow* …..love….? Eeep. yes, I do believe so.
Had a wonderful weekend, tho do not have time to write in much detail about it now as I need to be to work at 11, and my clothes are all over at M’s house still.

And, I’m gonna be late if I don’t go now. So I’ll just post a buncha pics….

AJ reading my poetry portfolio

We walked up to the cemetary and sat under a tree for a while today. It was lovely, it started to sprinkle while we walked. Yay for rain!!!

I think this is an incredibly yummy picture.

Awww! Rocky likes AJ! kisskiss!

AJ likes rocky! He was tickling her.

Helloooooo?!! Where are you goooooing?!

This makes me think of a line from Fiddler On The Roof….A fish and a bird can fall in love, but where will they build their home?…..*grin*

Ok, off to work now. *sigh*

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You two make a very cute couple. =o) Though I am a bit jealous because you’ve had a girl touch your snake more recently than I’ve had one touch mine. =o( Groan. Sorry. That was bad. =o/

July 24, 2005

wow, that place must have been rocking with womyn energy! snake, cat, 2 goddesses

*grinning like a crazy woman!!* đŸ˜€

July 26, 2005

she is beautiful – reading on…