
Ok. Progress is being made. Slowly, but quicker than I have been going in the previous days/weeks/months.

So. I finished putting away all the clean clothes.

Gathered all of the laundry and there’s a load that’s prolly about ready to fold right now, as well as a load in the wash. Then I’ll prolly have 2 more loads to do at M’s, and then I’m gonna take my bedspread and heavy blankets to the laundromat cuz I don’t want to overfill her machine.

Fed M’s cats as well as her fish and DB’s fish and RB’s fish. Played with the hamster for a few minutes.

Watered the plants.

Got mouse/crickets/meal worms.

Got the nat’l geographics in the house (still in the “foyer” but in the house, nonetheless…)

Cleaned out and vacuumed car.

Put all dvd’s in their cases.

Put all the cd’s in their proper places This required much time, as I had acquired quite a few new cd’s since last I arranged the book. I had to add pages, and it’s not a book really meant for adding pages, methinks…and in the end, I ended up taking out the last sections. Which were the singles, the compilations, and the soundtracks/scores. Leaving, essentially, just the regular artists and bands in the case. Unfortunately I *still* haven’t found my Under the Table and Dreaming cd, which saddens me. But it makes me happy that all of the others are in proper order, and there’s space again (due to adding pages) to move things around should I need to. This project is mostly done, but the rest will have to wait to everything else is completed.

Ok. Now I do believe I’m gonna go back over to M’s and fold/flip my laundry, then come back here and tackle the animal cages and bathroom. Then I will go over and flip/fold more laundry, and take the other laundry to the laundromat. Perhaps go to Wally World while it’s washing, hmmm…Only need a few things, could prolly swing it. Oh I am clever, the cleverness of me….

Oi. I did check my bank accounts, and all of the bills/checks have gone thru, as far as I can tell (the problem with online banking, the check numbers are weird. Well, prolly not, but I haven’t paid attn to them so they seem weird to me…) So anyways. Everything is cleared and I’m ok, for now. I do still have to pay the med insurance ($11) and Liability insurance for skewl (not sure how much this is…it tells me about $70, but that’s for 2 yrs and I only need for 1 yr. Hrmmm.) And I got a bill for $7.50 from the uni. So. So I can go to wally world and buy the things I need, I think, like a FAN.

Oi. It just occured to me that I need to buy milk at wally world for AJ, which will be difficult to do if I intend to buy it and then go finish drying my laundry…So p’raps I’ll save the milk for later.

Oi. At any rate. Off to the laundry…

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Was hoping that this was an updatage on your weekend, but will take what I can. I only sort of have e-mail access here — I think I’m hijacking another condo’s wireless connection — but will occasionally check. Hugs, Jeanne