
Oi. Just spent at least 2 hrs cleaning out my closet and such. And it’s not exactly done yet. Well, everything that is in there is where it should be. But there’s still some laundry to be put away. Not to mention a bunch of laundry yet to be laundered….eep.

But. Bedroom floor, ‘cept for the laundry/clothes is clean. One of the kitchen counters is clean. The living room is…tidy. hehe. So that leaves….

-change sheets
-water plants
-clean bathroom
-finish cleaning off breakfast bar
-new sand in dragon tank
-new water in turtle and fish tanks
-change litter
-clean windows
-put in A/C
-clean out car trunk (ie: move 5 boxes/crates of Nat’l Geographic into apt. *whine*)
-vacuum car (since I haven’t done so since I’ve gotten the damn thing. Oopsies….)
-get groceries
-get crickets/mealworms/mouse/cat food

lah. My eyes are all itchy now. But. It was the biggest task and prolly the one that I was procrastinating on the most. So I’m glad that it’s done, mostly. I’m thinking AJ will be here around 830pm or so tomorrow (she won’t get home from work til 630ish or 7 actually. So prolly looking at closer to 9ish…) So I think I’ll have plenty of time tomorrow to finish everything up. I think I’ll get up early-ish and take some laundry over to M’s, feed the cats/fish/hamster while I’m there, flip the laundry, go vacuum car (hopefully get up early-ish enough that it’s not scorching hot so that I can empty the mags from the car…), go back and flip/fold laundry. Play with Smokey, Sandy and/or Rex if he comes around. Fold rest of laundry. Go pick up animal food for dragon, snake, frog. Come home and put laundry away. Change litter. Clean off counters. Change turtle water. Do dishes, so that I can change fish water. Clean bathroom. Sweep kitchen. New sand in dragon tank. Vaaacuuuuuuum. Mop kitchen. Wash windows. Put in A/C, if haven’t done so already!! Take looooooooooong shower. Then p’raps SLEEP before AJ gets here. So. woo.

Speaking of sleep. Time to go do that. Made a new cd for AJ of The Other Guys music. They’re an a capella group and they do mostly covers, I think. Anyways. So. I made a little disc’o’love songs. *grin* I’m such a sap. hehe.

Gonna go listen to that and go sleeeeepies. Oi. Exhausted.

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July 22, 2005

Come n’ tidy my place, if you want? 🙂