
Geesum. Why is it that the short(er) haired cat loses more hair than the long haired cat? I mean. Not that the long haired one – Journey – doesn’t shed or not that there isn’t plenty of her hair around. But Pandora…eesh. I can’t even pet her without getting a handful of hair. And I know I don’t brush them as often as I should, but I still don’t remember her being as bad even when I haven’t been brushing her. Kind of worrisome. Especially since she has *really* flakey dandruff too. lah. I’m going to attempt to bathe her later. hahahha. That should be fun/interesting.

Well, talked to AJ last nite and again this morning for a while. Hopefully she’s coming on Friday, tho she has to drive out to one of the donating sites in the a.m., which is not in this state and takes about 3 hrs to get to. But her partner said she could sleep in the van, so. Hopefully she’ll still be up to driving after that. If not, she’ll come on Saturday. Heh. Not that I’ll have any activities with which to entertain her. Ah well. Maybe I can find some batting cages, she mentioned wanting to do that and that it’s been a long time since she has done that, when we were at the game the other day.

Talked to Homie today, too. She called ME! That was a nice and welcome surprise. She seems to be doing…ok, I guess. Her assholedickhead boyfriend person is being an asshole. And a dickhead. She’s not on her meds now. Cuz he didn’t want her to be on them anymore….*grinds teeth* Oh well. She did tell me that he is controlling and she’s not cool with that, and that she foresees moving up to skewl (which is about 20 mins from AJ!!!) and him coming with her for a month til it’s time for him to go back to skewl and then him leaving and them being OVER, cuz she really doesn’t like him anymore.

All I can say is, THANK FUCK. And that I hope it all pans out that way. Not that I don’t want her to be happy and be with someone she loves. I certainly do. But. Not with him. And she doesn’t love him I don’t think. Tho. We got into the meds discussion cuz she stated that she didn’t actually have *any* emotions anymore, no extreme happiness, no extreme sadness, just evenkeeled lack of emotion. Which worries me. I mean. It could be worse. But. I know that generally when I feel *nothing* it’s a really bad thing. Eheh. *sigh*

Cleaning is going slowly, of course. Eeesh. I’m getting there….

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