For a certain Coyote….

:o) Took me probably an hour to get that little bugger out from between the screen and window- out to the OUTside, not out to the inside of my house, where the cats would’ve ripped my apt to shreds trying to get at the little thing. He was so cute. 🙂

And for good measure- the musical that the skewl did this Spring…

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*lmao* Oh you are CRUUUUUUUEL. But funny. Just looking at that top picture creeps me out. Those things are naaaaaasty! *shudder twitch shiver*

July 1, 2005

Awww, bats are cute.

Who doesn’t love a mouse with wings?

ryn: Really? I’ve heard of those Douglas Adams books but had never read them. And I was only recently introduced to “Schrodinger’s Cat”. Now that I know about it, I’ll definitely have to read them!

…we had a group come to the library with bats… it was actually VERY cool & I had NO idea how super smart these creatures are. …it cured my “fear” of bats. (always was afraid they’d get tangled in my hair 🙂

July 1, 2005

oooh, I love bats. I bet the cats were going nuts!