Thanks to Simple Mind, I have an answer to a question I’ve been asking for years….

See, in HS biology, we learned about some theory that suggested that simply by observing something, you change how it acts. Well, I’m not sure we learned about it so much as the teacher just talked about it one day. Yet, no one I seem to have asked between there and here seemed to have any clue of what I was talking about (I was prolly explaining it wrong…) But. Then he posted this article about Schrödinger’s Cat, which says at the bottom exactly what I had been trying to explain to people….(The second, unbolded part I just left there cuz it’s pretty damn interesting…single particles being in multiple locations at the same time….the nature of reality on an observable level being perhaps not all that it seems to be….) (And! The Douglas Adams book I just read…Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency is somewhat based on the Schrödinger’s Cat theory. In conjunction with the holistic theory, of course. Making for an interesting and hilarious book….Anyways:

This situation is sometimes called quantum indeterminacy or the observer’s paradox: the observation or measurement itself affects an outcome, so that it can never be known what the outcome would have been if it were not observed.

We know that superposition actually occurs at the subatomic level, because there are observable effects of interference, in which a single particle is demonstrated to be in multiple locations simultaneously. What that fact implies about the nature of reality on the observable level (cats, for example, as opposed to electrons) is one of the stickiest areas of quantum physics. Schrödinger himself is rumored to have said, later in life, that he wished he had never met that cat.

So. That being said, I had a very odd dream last nite/this morning. I only seem to remember the dreams that happen like, when I doze off after waking up in the mornings. Anyways. I got up and wrote it down. Not before stepping in some cat puke tho! *grrr*….

So. Dreams….(things in italics are my interjections/explanations of what I thought certain things are or might be. or comments in general..)

Was in my high school (tho at times it morphed into my jr high) taking like, an art/sewing class. Shelly, one of my nursing instructors, was the teacher. And I was in the hallway before class and J was there and she was wearing her commencement gown, except it was velvet and maroon instead of just plain black like it really is. I walked around and kept seeing her. I think I went in and was late for class and wanted to try to explain to the teacher that I was having like, emotional issues, but then I was in the library and this boy in a red shirt turned his headphones on SUPER loud, like the sound of a huge entertainment system loud and I tapped him to ask him to turn it down but he just gave me a look as if I were an idiot and was sort of bopping to the music and wouldn’t turn it down. Everyone was annoyed but not saying anything so I finally went up to where the librarians were and turned the corner and started talking to them and then I realized J was there and I was like “Oh, I didn’t know you’d be here…” And I started to tell the librarians but they weren’t listening, they were putting all the magazines in the “scrap” table that we had in the library and pretending I wasn’t there. It made me mad and I screamed “FINE, I’ll deal with it!” And J kind of sighed and was like “where is he?” in a bored-i-don’t-want-to-but-i-guess-i-have-to voice (*grin* The one she uses to immitate me when I reluctantly agree or agree by default to do things she suggests) And so I led her back to where he was and his headphones were quiet and no one seemed to look like anything had ever happened and I was like “Oh. I guess he turned them down??” and she just stared at me like I was trying to cause trouble or like I was an idiot or something. And I didn’t know what to do, so I asked her why she was wearing her commencement robe and she was like “Oh. Because we decided to go to Colorado tonite afterall, even tho I asked [husbandguy] if his cousin would even be there and he was like…’well, he still has to teach, but i can get some hunting in’ and I was like ‘so great. we’re going all of the way there early so you can kill little animals…’ (Then she said something else that he said, that implied he didn’t mean killing animals, but i can’t remember what she said he said)
So the library was closing and everyone had left, but it was messy and I wanted to make up for causing trouble, so I went around and cleaned up. There were a bunch of staple removers everywhere (the same kind that are always laying all around the copy room at work), so I gathered those and a pair of scissors that were on the floor in a dusty corner behind a fake tree (my sisters fake tree!). Then I think J and I were walking to my class and I went in apologizing saying I was sorry I was late and Shelly was just like “You sure are…” in a not-nice tone. (Which is odd, cuz shelly and i barely know each other and she’s never been anything but nice to me and I don’t actually think I’ve seen her mean or annoyed at anyone or anything…she’s one of the friendliest nsg staff in the program) And I wanted to tell her I wasn’t skipping class on purpose, just that I was having some problems but she didn’t seem to care and just wanted me out of her face so I went to my table but my seat was taken by a cute little asian girl who was just like, a little kid. So I crawled behind her and started to move everything off of the unused seat in the corner. I asked what we were doing and they said “making cats” so I had to crawl back out and get material. (The art room was from jr high, not my HS art room…) There was some fuzzy stuff with a soft design that I was going to choose, because it was as close to Pandora as I could get but then I asked where the solid colours were and while I was going thru them I found a swatch of really bright regular (non fuzzy) material. It was yellows and blues & had big green fish on it- a baby-looking print. But it was a small piece and I asked if it would be ok and Shelly was like “You might be able to get away with it, except this…” and there were some frayed holes in the blue denim parts of it. But then I found another of the same material and I felt like I finally got what I wanted for a change, that it would actually work out. So I went back to my table and I think there was another asian girl, so I crawled back into my corner, only it was like…another deeper corner- a corner of the corner??- and had to move more stuff off of the table and everyone at the table and shelly just stared at me like I was making a huge commotion and being an annoyance and in the way, even tho I wasn’t making any noise or even disturbing anyone else’s things.
And then J came in the room holding a shoulder bag- one of those ones that is blue camouflage, the same kind of bag as my computer bag (only my bag is gray not camo) but it wasn’t mine. And she walked over to Amie Miller (or maybe it was Amanda – they were twins who went to school with me and one of them went to the same college as me for a year or two). So J went over to her and was like “Here, you forgot this…” and the girl started crying (she had really pretty crystal blue eyes, they were beautiful girls, all freckles and shiney perfect hair…and SO quiet, especially Amiee. but mandy was friendlier. but both were popular.& J put her arm around her shoulder and was like “c’mon, lets go take a walk in the hall so we can discuss this more privately…” And other people seemed to know J and were sad that she was leaving too. (She had put a suitcase down at the door I think) I just pretended I was busy even tho I wanted to cry and give her a hug, but I knew I wasn’t allowed. Like…they could be sad, but I couldn’t.
And then the teacher was like “Ok, everybody say —-” (I forget what she wanted them to say) and they all started doing the same crazy hand motions, like a secret handshake or something, but I didn’t know what they were doing or how to do it. Then they stopped and I thought someone would show me how cuz it was obvious that I didn’t know, but then the teacher just looked at me and stared me in the eye while telling everyone to say something else and they did different hand gestures and she just held my eye while she did them, pointing out that I didn’t belong or something. I dunno. Then I woke up. Weird.

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July 1, 2005

I’ll come back and read this interesting dream when I am not so sleepy of an afternoon nap.

I love that observation theory… it can lead one down some very interesting thought-paths… Great dream! Lots of detail! 🙂 xxoo,