blankity blank blank


I’m am tired. Very tired. Yawning every three minutes. But can I fall asleep? Of COURSE not. Guess this answers the question of whether or not I definately needed the lunesta at nite or if my body was just back to being able to sleep when I needed it to. stupid effing drugs So after laying in bed for 2 hours, tossing, turning, fighting with the cat for pillow space…I got up. And realized that the top ball to my eyebrow bar was gone.

I really, really liked it, too. And of course I couldn’t find the nifty rainbow one that M & DB got me even tho I wore it last week. *growl* So. I got dressed and walked over to the piercing place (I can almost see it from my apartment, it’s close) hoping that they’d have the same one that I have. They didn’t. They didn’t have any ones that I really liked and I couldn’t decide if I wanted to get a hoop or just another bar. So I ended up getting a silver bar with aquamarine stones on the ends. Which is ok. But I still liked my other one better. Hopefully I can find the rainbow one later.

Then I spent 15 minutes getting the dang thing in. Well, putting it in is not actually a problem, it’s just like an earring only…curved more. But then getting the ball on the end is tricky cuz it’s right next to your eyeball and it’s tiny and when I’m looking in the mirror I move my hand the wrong way and….grr. So in the end, it irritates the shit out of the piercing. Oh well. The h2ocean tends to take care of that pretty efficiently.

But I’m -still- tired and of course I can’t take the lunesta seeing as I have to work in 5 hours. I’m half hoping that they call me off, even tho I need the hours.

Hooray for apathy…

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June 29, 2005

Oh dear.. sounds like a few episodes of insomnia I’ve had. Well except for the piercing thing… but I still commiserate.

June 30, 2005

I took something to sleep last night… can yousay g r o g g y?

June 30, 2005

*waves n’ hug* I’m..possibly back. Celebrate. With cake.