simple plans ****edit******

Yet again, awake at 4am. But able to go back to sleep until about 10. Then I got up and went over to skewl to pick up my paycheck and talk to doc p about servers and uploading and whatnot. Discovered that there is no way to connect to the current one with anything but AppleTalk. But the new one will be accessible via pc’s and such. Yay.

Then I went over to the mall to the driver’s license place. geesum. I sat there for an hour and a half. There were about a dozen boys from Abraxis there for some reason. Getting photo-id’s I think. One of the staff that was with them looked really familiar, he was kind of yummy. So once I *finally* got to the front of the line, the rest of the process took about 2 minutes. *rolls eyes* And now I have a new license. And it actually has my real addie on it, so I don’t have to carry around that stupid yellow card anymore that says I’ve moved.

Afterwards I went to Penny’s to see if they had a shirt I wanted. Then to K-Mart to see about the shirt as well as the Simple Plan or DMB cd’s I wanted to get the other day, and to see if they had a paper cutter. They didn’t have any of what I needed. So. Off to Wally World. No shirt, no cd’s, no paper cutter. And I meant to look for a cute pot to replant Frappie Jr in, as its roots are more than established now, I guess, and I don’t want it to die from just sitting in water forever. I’m just afraid, cuz the last one I planted died. But it didn’t have as extensive a root system as this one. Anyways. I forgot to look for the pot anyhow.

So off to Staples. THEY had a paper cutter. But for gawd’s sake! Why does such a thing cost $30?? *sigh* Needless to say, I didn’t buy one and will continue to just blister my hands using my kitchen scissors. Oi. Maybe take some of it to work and use the one there if I have time tonite.

I was going to stop by MC on my way home for an iced chai and maybe a bagel, since I had cash in my pocket. But I wasn’t really hungry and there were no convenient parking places, so I just came home instead.

Thank furk, my gas bill this month is less than $20. Hooray. But, just when I think I’m making ends meet, my car insurance comes due. *rolls eyes* But for some reason it’s now only $90 instead of $118 like it used to be. Odd, that. I remember them calling me a while back and sending me some papers to fill out. I guess I should’ve paid attention to what was on them? *shrugs*

So I need to deposit my pay check and pay bills and sleep. I never did do any work or find HHGTTG last nite. Maybe later today. But I really would like to nap right now. lah.

!!! I so want this bumper sticker!

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