should be

I should be getting ready for work but I’m too damn hot. And annoyed. I wanted to be called off, even tho I REALLY can’t afford to be. But. I dunno. I’m quite apathetic as of late and don’t really care much anymore.

I did have a nice day today tho, actually. Emily and I hung out. I had to walk over to school to drop something off at the psych dept, and she walked over and met me and then we just sat downstairs in the hallway for a while cuz it was nice and air-conditioned. Then we walked to her apartment and sat there for a while, enjoying vegan fruit popsicle things, and lemonade, while trying to decide what to do and if we really wanted to go out into the humid hot day again. Eventually we decided to go to bob’s subs but we drove this time. We ate lunch and then….uh. Then we went to one of the tattoo places, cuz she wants to get a tattoo and she wanted to see how much it would cost. So Glen did his thing and determined it would be about $80. Tho the tattoo guy was not optimistic about Em’s ability to sit still for it, since she wants it on her ribs and has never had a tattoo before. Anyways. Then we decided to go to another tattoo place and see what *they* would charge. Except no one was there, since that place is “By Appointment Only” So. We went to the *third* tattoo place (can you tell that this is a college town? Main street has 3 or 4 bars, 3 tattoo parlours and 2 tanning salons. eheh) So. The third place…well. Long story short, *they* said it would cost something like $160 opr 120 or something. eheh. And. Em was saying that the thing she wanted tattooed (a saying) was by Walt Whitman. And the lady there was like I won’t even pretend to know who that is…. At which I had to quickly turn around and pretend to be staring at the wall in order to hide the fact that my jaw was on the floor and my eyes were full of disbelief. After we left we both agreed that, based on that little conversation, it probably wasn’t the place to go. Not saying that you need to be educated in the finer things of life to be a tattoo artist. But. Come on. Who hasn’t at least HEARD of Walt Whitman??? Oi vey.

Anyways. After the tattoo places, we drove down to the river and sat there for a few minutes, then drove out trying to find some creek or some such thing and got semi-lost, but ended up at one of her friends’ house. Tho the friend wasn’t there, we stood and talked to the mother for a while. Then she dropped me off at home and I tried to sleep, unsuccessfully. *sigh*

Oh well. Need to go get ready.

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STRANGER! if you, passing, meet me, and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you? Ah! I’m glad you overestimate most people, but you do. I doubt that most know him and few have read any of his poems. — J

we used to have tanning salon at the strip mall by the school.. what continues to puzzle me is why would one go to a tanning salon in southern california..-BC