by order of a fav/slight edit

i should be doing work and such, but i’m too tired. i dunno why, i slept after work this morning til 1. but. i guess that is only 4 hours.

1) Total number of books owned?
hmm. Including texts, probably 100ish. Many of them hand-me-downs or second hand. But some new.
I’d say I’ve read 95% of them, though maybe more since some are doubles/triples/etc.

2) The last book I bought?
Oi. Uhm. The last book I acquired was The Picture of Dorian Gray (which I have 4 more pages left of…) But the last one I bought…Oh! Probably Eats, Shoots & Leaves.

3) The last book I read?
I tend to read several at one time. I’m almost done with …Dorian Gray and I finished Eats, Shoots & Leaves around the same time as I finished Veronika Decides to Die. Of course. In between all of those I’ve read several poetry books, as well as texts.

4) 5 books that mean a lot to me:

as WOMH stated:
In no order, and by no means my top 5 – just the ones that come to mind as meaning something to me.

1) The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince)

2) Letters to a Young Poet

3) Catcher in the Rye

4) The Velveteen Rabbit

5) Girl, Interrupted

1. First book with more words than pictures
probably Ferrets in the Bedroom, Lizards in the Fridge

2. First book with more words than pictures and no horses
that one had lots of animals, but no horses 🙂

3. First book with sex
uhm. Oh…I remember sneaking in to my sisters room and reading one of her books that she said I wasn’t allowed to read- it was a series by Piers Anthony, and I had essentially devoured his other series and wanted to read that one cuz I loved him as an author. But the other series was geared more towards adults. Bio of a Space Tyrant I think they were called. I read til the first…risque…scene and then stopped reading.

4. First book that wasnÂ’t Science Fiction
The Sweet Valley Twins series I would think.

5. Last but not least and not really a ‘First’ but it’s my list so I can add what I want to.

(I don’t understand the question??)

6) (M’s addition) – books that have to do with work that I love:

uhm. Ok, slightly modified, I guess….
Girl Interrupted, I Never Promised You A Rose Garden, Veronika Decides to Die, Flowers for Algernon, and…a book by a psychologist, but I can’t remember which one…not Szasz. But he writes weird ass poetry and other things. Can’t rmr it tho.
Ah yes, Knots by JD Laing. Thank you 🙂

5) Five people whose answers I’d like to see:

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Let me know what you think of Dorian Gray. I haven’t read it, but it’s one I’m familiar with, and might read in the future, if someone recommends it. >=o) I may do this survey. I have to think about it.

a book by a psychologist, but I can’t remember which one…not Szasz. But he writes weird ass poetry and other things. Laing? Your tend to confuse the two — as do many of us! — J

June 8, 2005

: )