Shout, shout, shout it all out *EDIT*

eh. Trying the whole “OD 2” layout thing. I don’t think I like it. But I’ll keep it for a few days, to see if it grows on me.
******end edit*******

Listening to a Tears for Fears album that I copied from…Buss I believe. Looking back at my musical obsessions, I realize that most of them were over british/non-american groups. Or, at least people with accents. eheh.

So. Yesterday. lah.

Well. I walked to school and on my way I stopped at the bank and got out $20. I stopped and got a chai at MC, hoping to see marcusface, but he’s already gonegonegone and I wanted to cry. But the girl who works there got her braces off, so that’s kewl for her. And the other girl who was working was totally getting hit on by a guy at the counter. It was amusing.

Then I stopped in next door at the hardware store to see if they had any wood, but they didn’t. So I continued on to school and Diana was still there, so I got my paycheckS. Yes, TWO! One of course is only for less than $20, but the other is for $123, so that’s good. Chatted with Diana for a little while, ended up walking across campus with her, cuz she was on her way to town and I was on my way home. But I went off another way, even tho I could’ve prolly walked all the way with her. But I prefer taking the side streets cuz they’re prettier and shaded and not busy. And it was a beautiful day.

Got home and drove out the a kind of random store that has everything called trader horn. It has furniture and carpeting and hunting stuff and tools and craft supplies and stationary and animal supplies and…it’s like a glorified hardware store, I realize. I really haven’t gone to it very often, just once or twice previously to pick up something for E or whatever, and a few times now with Jay. Anyways. I was hoping they’d have lumber. They didn’t have much, just a cart full, but there were some 99 cent pieces that were each 6ft each, which was great cuz I needed 12ft of wood to make a lid to this tank. So I got that, as well as 2 feet of indoor/outdoor turf to put in the snakes cage when I get to that part. And I got a small hacksaw type thing, to cut the lumber! All in all, it came to $17 something, and I had $18 left, so that was awesome.

Then. I came home and set about measuring and sawing and hammering. eheh. Ok, so it looks pretty shoddily put together. But. The wood is too long to just hammer a nail in one piece that goes straight into the other. So I had to like, angle the nails. *rolls eyes* It’s not the best piece of workmanship, and I suppose I should’ve just gone out and bought longer nails. But. Sometimes you just gotta use what you have! If it falls apart, I’ll go buy longer nails!! Anyways. I only got one of the lids (need two, cuz the tank has a partition on the top, which prevented me from making just one big lid. So I had to make 2 small ones…) finished before it was time for me to get to therapy. lah.

And the one time, I swear, that I just left my phone at home…J calls to tell me she may be a little late! oi vey. but she wasn’t, actually, very late. At least, I didn’t notice. I was listening to my headphones and reading a newspaper. *sigh* The state university system in this state is struggling, it seems. (I go to a state school). The article I was reading was talking about the budget problems and having to cut back on temp faculty and certain programs. Which. Ya know. Cutting back on faculty wouldn’t be a problem. If enrollment wasn’t INCREASING. So. bleh. And I’m not sure how it’s hit other departments, but I just found out that the theatre dept lost 2 of its temp faculty :o/ Given that there are only what….4 full time faculty in the dept anyways, and it’s easily doubled if not tripled or quadrupled its size since I was a theatre student….I hate money.

So. Therapy. Right. Mental note to self: therapy less than 5 hours after spending a day with mum = bad idea. *sigh*

Therapy, essentially, goes against most everything my mum ‘believes’ in. By which I mean, she doesn’t believe in therapy or depression or any of that. So. It’s hard enough for me to shove that aside and continue on with therapy because, although I *do* believe in it, she’s Mom and What She Says Is Law, or something. I dunno. Just internally it’s difficult for me to continue doing things that I know she thinks are a crock of shit. But. I manage to do it, most weeks. Yesterday…eh.

Anyways. heh. Buss called almost as soon as I got home. She was in town for the day and wanted me to go hang out with her and Jay and Wolfie. So. I did. Oi. I got pretty messed up. Don’t think I’ve ever gotten quite that messed up. I was laughing so hard my sides hurt. I felt like I was drunk, minus the nausea/dizziness. And we were watching a movie….something about Chopper Chicks on Bikes fighting zombies? I don’t know. The movie was making absolutely NO sense (probably wouldn’t’ve if I hadn’t been messed up, I’d like to think!) and I kept asking questions. Eheh. And every time I talked, I had to think really hard if I had talked or if I just thought I talked. And at one point, I remember sitting back down on the couch trying to explain to Jay that somehow I was just in the kitchen, opening the cupboards, and I didn’t know why I was doing that or how I got there or how I got back to the couch. Oi vey. But then it started wearing off and I felt completely mellow and very good. Gawd I forgot how calm I get. Everything was right with the world. :o)

Then I got SUPER tired, so I came home, wrote a quick email to J about things I was thinking about while sitting on the couch at Jay’s, and then fell asleep almost immediately. Did wake up halfway thru the nite with a toothache, but took some aleve and went back to bed. Woke up to one cat curled up next to my head and another curled up next to my knees. Apparently Pandora has started sleeping on the bed again. I like it, but it’s interesting, since she hadn’t been for so long and now she does almost every nite again.

Anyways. Gonna go finish the other half of this lid. And then start switching animals. And then going to the pet store and getting crickets. wee.

And then cleaning my excessively messy house! Eeep. And I need to get up to the other campus at some point to photocopy all of this stuff for Dr F.

I work tomorrow nite. But there are 6 on the schedule, which means they’ll prolly call me off. :/ Tho I did get Diane the education coordinator-lady to let me go to the CPR class this month, so that’s an extra 4 or 6 hours, and that takes care of my CPR stuff for another 2 years, which is good. Cuz it doesn’t run out til Sept or Oct, but it’s near impossible for me to get in to the CPR classes or any in-services, really, during the school year. Plus the nursing school would like proof that I’m covered for the entire year. And. I just got my liability insurance renewal thing in the mail. So I need to do that.

I think I’ll go watch more Jerri Blank while hammering this lid together.

Of course, I have no staples for my staple gun. But luckily the wood is soft, and my regular stapler works, for now. I’ll restaple it eventually. I think I’m going to put a layer of screen on top of the wood and another on the bottom. Maybe. Hmmm.

Anyways. Best get moving.

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June 1, 2005

Ya… i can definitely see you being in hot demand by lesbians who have a thing for girls with tools. (a staple gun, really..) -bc