
UGH. I’m soooooooooore. Ehehe. All for a good cause tho. Went out to where M and the kids were camping yesterday and ended up going canoe-ing with them. Owie. The wind was rough at some parts, and while the DB did do her best to do her part, she got tired a lot quicker than me! hehe. I had fun tho.

And then I stayed overnite and then this morning we went horseback riding, which was also enjoyable. And now I’m babysitting the kids. I have to work tonite. Ugh. I’m exhausted. Will post pics at some point, I’m sure.

Took a quiz…eheh…kinda sums me up pretty well, except I would think I’m not really reserved? I guess I am. I dunno…

Better Relationshop Quiz

eXpressive: 2/10
Practical: 4/10
Physical: 2/10
Giver: 8/10

You are a RSIG–Reserved Sentimental Intellectual Giver. This makes you a People-Pleaser.

Oh, RSIG! You are the most complicated and dynamic of any type. You are brilliant, tender, romantic and a joy to be with. You’re the favorite of many of your friends. It’s just not a party until you get there. You are bursting with feeling and sentiment and insight but you very rarely express it — it’s not how you want to present yourself to the world. Although you are always studying your non-romantic relationships — you turn a blind eye to romantic relationships.

You’re highly adaptable, and you conform to your circumstances (maybe you’re a youngest child?). You would probably be content with almost anyone, and almost anyone would be blissfully happy to have you. But just because you’re content doesn’t mean you’re happy. Don’t settle!

You’d rather ignore your problems than rock the boat by creating conflict. Please understand that in the long run ignoring conflict will make you unhappy and your partner exhausted. Try picking a fight just to see how it goes. You’ll find out that solving problems is so satisfying for you that it makes conflict worth it.

Your sex life could be fantastic if you could stop worrying about everything so much (did I wash my hands? how do I look? what do I need to do tomorrow?). You need a sweet, expressive lover who makes you feel at ease and never puts pressure on you. If you feel secure with your partner outside the bedroom, it will make all the difference.

You cry at movies. A lot.

Of the 229342 people who have taken this quiz, 5.5 % are this type.

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I’ve been canoeing 3 times and absolutely LOVED it. I wish I had the chance to do it more often. It’s been probably at least 5 years since the last time I got to. I’m off to take the quiz now. =o)

“You are a RSIT–Reserved Sentimental Intellectual Taker. This makes you a Archetypal Older Child.” Yeah.. that quiz is kinda freakily accurate. -bc

RYN: hee. four cats. and i used to have a buncha ratties as pets, and a buncha meeces, too. but this guy. he looked like a HUGE OVERGROWN mouse, or a bitty little rattiehead. the snout was rattish. the head itself was very mousish. and so were the ears. i think it’s a cross breed. -cries- he’s gone, though. i didn’t mind him. i just didn’t wanna cook him in my dryer!