
so. Finally got ahold of mum. *sigh* 20 minutes of why my sister’s husband is a prick, 15 minutes of Court Talk (but, they settled out of court, and it worked in her favour). And, of course the obligatory “How much longer do you have now?” A year. I should graduate next year this time. “That’s wonderful! Then you can finally have a REAL job, and a REAL life….”

I don’t think I’ll ever understand. And I don’t think she’ll ever understand.

Thankfully, as I was humming inside my head while muttering “mmhmm.” “oh?” and “really” when mum paused to take a breath, Em msg’d me and invited me to lunch with her and Marc, to say goodbye.


Lunch was lovely, got to ride in her topless convertible again. Goodbyes suck. And yesyesyes. She’ll be back. He’s not even gone yet (yes, I know. *gaspshock* I am even going to miss HIM. And he’s a BOY. But he’s a nice boy, and has been a consistent part of my life in this po’dunk town for forever.)

But. I didn’t cry when we hugged goodbye. Even if I kinda wanted to.

And. She just sent me the # for snake-girl. Ack. Do I call or don’t I? I should just call. She’s probably already found a home for it. But I shouldn’t call, cuz I’m leaving for a whole week and I don’t want to let it be in the house for a whole week without me. And I don’t have a cage top yet.

I should just get a cage top and then get a million hermit crabs. Argh. WHY this need to have -more- animals than I already have…it’s insane.

I hear the mourning dove outside. I’ve missed them. Still makes me shake my head to think that for my entire childhood, I grew up hearing one of those in a tree by my house and always spent hours searching for the owl that I thought was making the noise. Would I have been disappointed if I found out earlier that it was ‘just’ a dove? meh. Prolly not. I loved the homing pigeons that one of the neighbors had, that everyone else in the neighborhood hated. And I love mourning doves very much, with their cream/ash coloured feathers and black beady eyes and tiny thin beaks. I think they look so surreal, so fragile. Ephemeral.

And they remind me of the desert.

I should clean.

But I vacuumed the stairs/catpan area earlier and. I should also do laundry, as it desperately needs done, if I want to take clean clothes with me to H’s. And I should go to wallyworld because I need a new pair of khaki/dress pants. But I’m hesitant to buy them.

So. I shall go read instead.

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May 8, 2005

If you get it would it be before (shiver) Tuesday?

May 8, 2005

I forget which book…

May 8, 2005

glasses – a cheap pair I picked up when mine were misplaced…

May 8, 2005

made sense – THANK you

I’m always in favor of reading.

May 11, 2005

more animals, because they make a good hobby and why not spend money on a hobby that loves you back? you’ll never get that from knitting.