So Long, And Thanks For All the Fish…

lah lah lah.

So, about 20 minutes after typing the previous rant, Jay called me and asked if I wanted to go see the movie. lah. So we did. I loved it. It was hilarious and stuck pretty closely to the books, which was awesome. And there was some fun stuff towards the end of the credits too. 🙂 Yep. I’m one of those people who sits in the theatre til all the credits have rolled. I dunno. Working in theatre, backstage especially, I definately have an appreciation for all of the behind-the-scenes people/jobs. So I like to stay and read the names, even if I don’t recognize any of them. lah.

It did make me want to read the books again, however.

Then we went to P-kins afterwards, where I discovered that my credit card is overdrawn. That’s always fun. Good thing I have two. *sigh*

And I barely have any gas in my car. But I need to drive to H’s new place on Tuesday. I HATE MONEY. *cries*

It’s so frustrating. And. Ya know, I look around at people who have real jobs and real incomes who just kind of fritter away on silly shit, and then complain that they’re broke. And. I know, I’m guilty of the same thing at times. But it’s still frustrating, when you’re not even able to afford the things you NEED, letalone frivolous stuff.

I’m so tired of money. Of needing it and not having it. Of always WORRYING about it. Of talking about it.


But. The movie was enjoyable. And Jay and I had a nice conversation over dinner, I guess.

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…it’s that worry thing that’ll get ya in the end. Fo’ Sho’. 😉 xxoo,

Yay! I’m glad you got to see it. =o)