…just to reach you….

….come to my window, come on inside wait by the light of the moon. come to my window, i’ll be there soon….

Gawd her voice just entrances (is that a word?) me. And makes me lonely. As if I needed any help with *that* right now. *rolls eyes*

Sleeping last nite was…not entirely effective. I was up and down all nite long. I kept getting seriously angry because before, the cd player had ya know, skipped intermittantly. It would start around song 3 and skip a few times. And increase until by the time it hit song 7 or 8, it was just going insane. So. Last nite, it stopped skipping like that. Now it just…stutters, constantly.

It took *ALL* of my reserve to NOT shove the thing off of the nightstand and break it.

I feel so disgusting this morning. Like I can’t breathe. Like I don’t want to be around people at all. I just want them to all go away.

Except I’m going to meet Em around noon and go see if Dr T has finished with our portfolios as well as see if the literary arts journal is done YET. And I think I’ll be ok with her, cuz she makes me smile.

So. I live above an army recruiting office as well as above the chief of police of the town. Currently there seems to be all kinds of shit going down, concerning the C.O.P. Like, the fraternal order of law enforcement president person is all mad at him and at the mayor and things, and has turned names in to the fbi for something or other. (I don’t know if it’s been in the papers or whatever. I just get it off of the 20 second news report on the radio). It makes me feel slightly less than safe, ya know? I mean. I dunno. Not that I think anyone’s gonna torch the building or anything. Just. *shrugs* Having a bunch of cops angry at the people who live below you isn’t the most comforting thing in the world.

And I’m really frigging tired of the army men always standing outside smoking. They have a can there for ashes apparently, but it says “no butts” and so they just toss them on the sidewalk, or in the little rocky area in the corner of the parking lot, where the sad little bush lives, behind the “Tenant parking only” sign. It’s disgusting and it annoys me. *sigh*

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recruiters are eeeevil. (one more reason i am glad i’m not american) -bc