
UGH. So. I did this portfolio for my poetry class. And, although all he really requires is that we shove a bunch of our best pieces into a folder and give it a title, I kind of….did more. Because I wanted to. Because writing is uber-important to me, and I wanted my portfolio to exhibit that. Which I hope it does. And, because I could.

So. It’s all mostly done. *except* I don’t know what to do for cover art! I -think- I’m going to call it “Mercurial.Me” But other choices are Perpension. Grisaille. Chiaroscuro. Or Resonance. (apparently my title of the week?! That’s what I called the Ani Mix cd I made for J)

But, regardless, I still don’t know what to do for cover art. *g* Although I do like my Bee Charmer’s suggestion of tacking a sock to it. Maybe I’ll toss a bunch of my socks on the floor and take a picture of them and use that? I dunno, I dunno!

Ugh. So tired. Bed time.

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I like “Mercurial.Me” But I also really like “Chiaroscuro.” What did you decide on for a cover?

April 29, 2005

the socks thing sounds good to me.

…so you’ve probably already done this and handed it in since I’ve gotten SO behind with everyone. But of course, *I* would vote for Resonance. 🙂