not even funny

my fucking cd player is busted. granted, it’s only one of those 20-30 dollar boom box things that you get at wally world but. it’s the one in my bedroom. that i use constantly. even more than constantly. i was sitting here making a cd, and i had songs playing on the computer -and- on the boom box and i didn’t even realize it for 20 minutes, until one or the other stopped playing and i couldn’t figure out why it seemed so quiet even tho the stereo was still on. fuckfuckfuck.

i do have an actual stereo, but it’s embedded into the living room and would require moving couches and shelving units and besides that there’s no where in my room to put it, which is why it’s in the living room.

my stereo breaking would be cause for flipping out when i’m in a good mental state, letalone when i’m in…in this kind of mood.

i can’t win for trying. i talked to my sister earlier and that upset me cuz i got bitched at for not calling my mum in like, 3 weeks (sorry, i’ve been BUSY and STRESSED and THE PHONE GOES TWO FUCKING WAY THANKYOUVERYMUCH) and in order to help my sister move, i’m driving to her new house, unloading the truck that they drove up the nite before. then driving back down to their old house (12 hours away), going to her graduation. loading the rest of their stuff up, then driving *back* to her new place, unloading. then driving back home (2 hrs away). The baby will no doubt be cranky, for all the travelling. Everyone else will be cranky for all the physical labour and lack of sleep happening.

So. And while she was discussing this over the phone with me, she was fighting with her husband about the best way to do things. Which, of course, made her angry at ME.

So. I was upset. So. I thought. Ok. Not in a mood/state to do homework. Don’t want to clean. So. Make a cd. Yes. Play with music for a few hours, be happy calmer.

And it had almost worked.

Til the frigging cd player broke. It’s been schizo for a few weeks. but now it’s just fried, i think. blech.

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I’m sorry. I really feel for you. 1) I know what an escape one’s music can be. Lord knows, I use it enough. 2) I also know what it’s like to be yelled at while HELPING the person who’s yelling at you. Sigh. =o( Here’s a hug for you.

April 26, 2005

Why don’t you offer to keep the baby so it doesn’t have to be carted around the country?