
I got a 48/51 on my pharm exam- 94%, so it’s an A. Tho there were four bonus points, so that means I missed seven. Which is really pretty craplike. But oh well. With the bonus, I passed, so. And it’s not like complete fluff-bonus, I mean. We had to learn that stuff too.

And I got a 46/50 on my nursing process exam- 92%, so it’s a B.

This means:

-I don’t have to take the neuro quiz in pharm, or attend the last class. So other than the pharm homework that’s due on Thursday, I’m completely done with that class and end up with a 96%, which is an A. (I had 95% in test exams, worth 75 percent of the grade, 100% for homeworks which were worth 10% of the grade, 97.5% for clinical application papers, which were also 10% of the grade, and 100% for attendance, which was worth 5% of the grade. So, had it just been all the points equal, I would’ve had a 98%. But it’s all an A in the end…)

-I only need to get 56/75 on the nsg process final in order to pass the course with a C. Of course. I need to get a 71/75 in order to get a B, which would get me on the dean’s list, which was my ultimate goal for this semester. oh well.

And, of course, I’m assuming that I will get an A in my poetry class, but I will discuss that with the prof tomorrow, just to be sure. I still never wrote a sestina. But. Hopefully that won’t earn me a B.

And Clinical is just pass/fail, and unless I horribly fuck something up tonite, which I don’t foresee, there’s no way I’ll fail that.

My back hurts. Not my whole back. Just my left flank-part. Like I pulled a muscle or slept on it wrong. It hurts to inhale too deeply tho, if I’m sitting a certain way.

I went to a presentation about stress and guided imagery and deep breathing and stuff today that the psych club on this campus sponsered. The lady who did it was from a nearby well-body type center. And she was really wonderful, so, that was nice. And I managed to sit thru the guided imagery tape thing without freaking out, so that was nice too. Although I have to admit, when the lady on the tape started talking about a bright white lite shining above and coming down to encompass me….eh. Yeah, little too metaphysical for me? The part about feeling the breeze and even the part about the mist coming up from the soil encompassing me wasn’t bad. But the bright white lite. Too jesusfreaky for me or something. Like the Light of God. bleh.

I should be doing my pharm homework. But it’s not due until thursday and if clinical is horribly slow tonite, as it was the last week, I’ll want to have something to do.

One of the guys who started I started out in the nursing class with died a few days ago. Heart attack. He, from what I remember, was a pretty nice guy. *shrugs* So, lots of the second year students are all kind of zoned out today.

It’d really suck to die 2 weeks before graduating nursing school. He was 49. bleh.

apparently my subscription to OD is going to expire in less than one month. *sigh* Not that I’ll completely stop writing, but unless a windfall comes my way, I’m gonna hafta deal with the damn pop-ups and ads.

bleh. not that i feel much like writing anymore anyways. gawd my back hurts.

on top of it all, i was sitting in the caf place eating pizza and a salad, and on one side of me there was a soap opera on the television and on the other side of me these people were discussing gay marriage, black ebonics (or, what they called “that…that…ghetto talk.”) and religion. Thankfully I only caught snips of their conversation cuz I was trying really hard to not listen. But the fat man who was actually doing 99% of the talking, in a very opinionated sounding tone, just walked in to the library.

I want to curl up in bed with a heating pad on my back and a cat curled up next to my head and another curled up at my feet, and just fucking disappear. is that too much to ask?

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