
Wee. Just met with Ang, my advisor. She cracks me up and makes me smile. :o)

AND I figured out a way to get 12 credits without majorly overworking myself. And I just scheduled, so I’m all set! Wee. I’m taking:

Nursing Process III (4 credits)
Clinical III (4)
Social Psychology (3)
Relaxation Skills (1)


Hopefully the Social Psych will be both interesting AND easy. Although from the course description it looks to be a lot of theory, which I HATE and find very difficult. But. Such is life. So my schedule…UGH. FOUR early mornings a week. *whine*

800-850am Process
(2-315, sitting in on Dr F’s gen psych class to help her out, possibly)
330-445pm Social Psych

700-100pm Clinical
200-315pm Relaxation Skills

700-100pm Clinical
(2-315, Dr F’s gen psych)
330-445pm Social Psych

800-950am Process
200-315pm Relaxation Skills

Please gawd I pass this semester. Ugh. I swear I’m giving myself an ulcer worrying over it. Even tho I now know that ulcers are actually caused by H. Pylori more than by stress, though stress can exacerbate them. eheh.

I’m going to go to the mall and buy myself a pair of pants, I think. Cuz I hate the ones I’m wearing. Or maybe I’ll go to wally world. Lah.

Log in to write a note

hmmm.. social psych was memorable for me. that was when my professor singled me out for being ‘territorial’. She was right. anyway you probly wont have any difficulties with it. -bc

Holly! It’s great to “see” you again!! How are things? Yup, I’m getting married!! How bizarre is that?! And I met him on OD! :O We’re nerds. Massive ones. 😀 So I’m guessing from this entry that you’re in nursing school? How’s that going? We should totally catch up some time… or email! What’s your email? Mine: meloncholera@gmail.com. Hugs!!