Pictionary and Peanut Butter Bagels

lah lah lah. I couldn’t get to sleep for the life of me last nite. Was up til 2 or 3am. Quite annoying. However, because I was having trouble falling asleep, I decided to do something I hadn’t done in a very long while- I read. A regular book. (As opposed to a text) Buss had leant…lent….loaned me a book, Veronica Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho. I started it on Wednesday or Thursday and finished the last 3/4 of it last nite! It was fabulous. The back blurb:
Veronika has everything she could wish for – young and pretty, with plenty of attractive boyfriends, a steady job, a loving family. Yet Veronika is not happy and one winter’s morning she takes an overdose of sleeping pills, only to wake up some time later in the local hospital. There she is told that although she is alive, her heart is now irreparably damaged and she has only a few days to live…

This story follows her through these intense days as she starts to question all her ideas about life. Soon she comes to realize that every second of existence is a choice we all make between living and dying. This is a moving and uplifting song to life, one that reminds us that every moment in our lives is special and precious.

Although, that description doesn’t really paint an accurate picture. At least, the first paragraph doesn’t. She didn’t take the pills because she was unhappy. Quite the contrary, she was far from unhappy. She just didn’t want to continue living the same life day after day after day, following the routine forevermore. So she decided to die.

I really loved the first part of the book, that was describing her thoughts on the matter (which she “tells” while she is waiting for the pills to take effect). It was so…serene and….made so much sense to me. The author was so…matter of fact, but eloquent and made it read like anything but just matter of fact. I don’t know quite how to explain it. But. The whole book was fascinating. So many conversations that I have with myself, written on those pages. What is mad? What is sane? Scrumptious.

Even after I read tho, I -still- couldn’t fall asleep for a few hours. But it was too late by then to take any zyprexa, cuz I had to be up to babysit the Doodlebug at 10am. Gawd it was such a struggle to drag myself out of bed this morning, and to top it off, for some reason I was nauseous and had a stomach ache. But it went away by the time I got to their house.

We watched tv for a bit and then we went to MC – I walked and she rode her bike – where I had chai and a strawberry cream cheese bagel, and DB had iced tea and a peanut butter bagel. lol. I’ve never seen a kid get so excited about a peanut butter bagel. But it’s understandable- RB is allergic to peanuts, so they don’t keep peanut butter in the house, in any form. He gets even a bite of it and he pretty much immediately looks at you with this…look that tells you he’s just eaten peanut butter, and then he pukes all over the place. It’s frightening just how quick the reaction is. I mean. Imagine taking one lick of a lollipop and before your tongue even gets back in your mouth, you know something is wrong….it’s just that instantaneous.

Luckily he’s a very intelligent kid, and he knows (and has known for a few years) to avoid peanut products. He is even quite good at asking about things he’s unsure of. And he wears a cute little bracelet.

Anyways. So. Peanut butter is a real treat for his sister! 🙂

We also played pictionary while we ate. She won, of course. hehe. It’s been forever since I’ve played that. It was fun. Dr L was there—the professor I had for A&P the first time. The one who taught the class that terrified me…hehe. I have to admit, he’s a cutie though.

And L was there when I got there, so it was good to see her. We need to start getting together for ‘coffee’ again.

Afterwards we walked/rode home and she played her gameboy for a bit and I read. heh. She’s too cute sometimes. She was wearing an orange shirt with a pair of pink striped capri-like pants. I couldn’t decide if pink and orange really didn’t go together or if they really -do- go together. I think it’s just that she manages to make most anything look pretty good. I also realised that the kid’s gonna be taller than me by the time she’s 10, at the rate she’s growing. She’s up to nearly my shoulders now, and she’s only just turned 8. lah. I had a very lovely morning with her, and need to start hanging out with her more. RB was over at a friend’s house, so he wasn’t around.

gah. OD is being SO slow today. What’s with that? Or is it just my computer??

I need to go read. Not only do I have a shiteload of Ob reading to do, I also have to read an entire (albeit short) poetry book and write a paper on it, as well as write a poem in the style of the author, either form wise or subject wise or whatever.

One of my friends just IM’d me that the pope died. Too bad they don’t just say “Oh well, the Pope died. Let’s just forget this catholicism thing…” hehehe.

Nah. As much as I bitch, I really don’t have anything much against catholics. Just hypocritical, judgemental zealots. *smiles*

Actually, some of the people I adore most in this world are/were catholic.

Lah. Also went to the petstore, as the sign advertises that they had lots of new animals. And they did. They have the cutest little tree frogs. But I’m not about to pay 50 bucks for a frog, red eyes or not. :op And they also had some great rainbow tailed lizards, which are really kind of pretty and kewl. And only 25 bucks. But I have no setup for them- I really need to get a top for the huge ass tank in my living room. I hate it sitting there just collecting dust and junk on top of it. Tho, I can’t afford any more animals right now, nor do I have the time for any. I thought about getting a whole bunch of hermit crabs and having a whole tribe of them *wonders what they’re called in groups?? Herds, flocks, ganders??* Cuz they’re low maintanence and cheapish. And kinda fun, too. We shall see.

Lah lah lah. Am tired, should talk a pill and sleep. But I will read instead and then just give up and take a pill before bed tonite and hopefully catch up on some sleep.

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April 2, 2005

I’ve had lots of bagels, but never a peanut butter one. That sounds good.

that’s so weird.. I so did not like that book. Not because the idea wasn’t fascinating — I picked up the book very eager to love it but found Coelho not engaging. But his other work, The Alchemist, I really liked. -bc