
Sometimes…sometimes, ya know, ignorance is bliss. *sigh*

Not to say I’m ungrateful for the notes. Just.

I don’t want to be the one to tell her. We spent a good eight minutes on the phone today just repeating “I’m not pregnant!!!!” “You’re not pregnant!!!!” to each other.

And she said that yeah, when she said before that she could handle it and everything would be ok….that now that she’s -not- pregnant, she realizes she was completely in denial and that everything would *not* have been ok.


In other news. I had to stop by the psych office to pick up my paycheck (woo. thirty five big ones. *rolls eyes* But hey, 35 bucks is 35 bucks. One more bill that can be paid.) and get an envelope from Diana to give to Dr F, and since I was on campus and had a metered parking space with time on it, I went down to the printing place to check out the progress of the literary arts magazine. It’s -beautiful- from what I can tell, on the computer. There are even COLOUR pictures this year!!!!! I’m so excited. I just think it’s so much higher quality than last year’s. And. *blush* Jenn did credit me as assistant editor. :o} Kinda proud of that. Last year’s journal…not that the editing staff was bad. On the contrary- we had a great deal of fun, if not many late nite poetry-reading-cram-sessions. It’s just that the art director was a prick and pretty much didn’t listen to anything we said and did everything his way and so the final product was….it was good. But. There were just so many mistakes, ya know? Like, the title on the front was different than the title on the spine, and there were pictures in there that the whole ed staff said NO too, and yet, mysteriously they ended up being in there. On FULL PAGES nonetheless. And the covor, while bright and eye-catching, was also a tad bit gaudy. Pretty, if you really looked at it. But. I guess orange just makes me cringe. heh.

This year tho….the font’s are so kewl, and the pictures look great and…yay! Eh. Not too happy that one of my pieces is like, the second one in the book. Would much rather they be, ya know, sprinkled inconspiciously in the mix of things, cuz I sorta feel like “oooh, gee, looks like editors get priority” or something. Jenn didn’t submit anything this year, since she was the editor and didn’t think it would be right (which makes me sad, her stuff is wonderful) and I thought about not submitting. But. It’s kinda fun seeing my work in there with a whole bunch of other people’s, especially since we do blind ratings, which means we (other than Jenn) don’t know which piece belongs to who when we judge it. So, I can be fairly sure that my pieces were picked because people liked them and not just cuz they knew they were mine. Although this year we did, somehow, limit it to 2 (or maybe 3?) pieces per person, if they had more than that…we did that at the end, after everything was judged. Then we went back and saw who got what in, and then picked the best of the ones that they had submitted. So, only 2 of mine got in. Although…lol….Jenn loved one of my other pieces so much that she decided that I had to submit it under a pseudonym. lol. I had a helluva time deciding which to ‘not’ credit myself for. The one that I -would’ve- done that for was one of the ones that I workshopped in my poetry class, so people would recognize it. (the “302” one), and the other two were…hmm…orthostatic hypotension and Feast. And I thought about putting it on Feast, but for some reason, I didn’t. I put it on Orthostatic Hypotension. So. Woo. Wish I could scan the journal or put it online. I’m just very excited about it.

Ugh. Back to my work for Dr F….I hafta call all these civic groups and get rates of community participation. Everyone’s been super nice so far, but I HATE talking on the phone and especially calling people and asking them for stuff, like to look in their records and find the numbers for me. Plus, I’ve been trying to call some of these people for a -week- and they *still* don’t get back to me. :op

Back to work.

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can i get a hard copy? -bc