Just gimme your skeleton….

I cannot name this I cannot explain this and I really don’t want to just call me shameless. I can’t even slow this down let alone stop this. And I keep looking around, I cannot top this. If I had any sense I guess I’d fear this, I guess I’d keep it down so no one would hear this. I guess I’d shut my mouth and rethink a minute. But I can’t shut it now cuz there’s something in it. We’re in a room without a door, and I am sure without a doubt they’re gonna wanna know how we got in here and they’re gonna wanna know how we plan to get out. We better have a good explanation for all the fun that we had cuz they’re coming for us baby and they’re going to be mad at us yeah they are going to be mad at us. This is my skeletion this is the skin it’s in, that is according to lite and gravity. I’ll take off my disguise and ask you to let me in cuz I got something fun for you to see. Give me your skeleton, gimme the skin it’s in. Yeah baby, this is you, according to me. And I never avert my eyes, i never compromise so never, never mind the poetry. We’re in a room without a door and I am sure without a doubt, they’re gonna wanna know how we got in here and they’re gonna wanna know how we plan to get out. We better have a good explanation for all the fun we had cuz they are coming for us baby and they are going to be mad, yep they’re going to be mad at us.I gotta cover my butt cuz i covet another man’s wife. I got to divide my emotions in to wrong and right. See how close I can get to it without giving in and then I got to rub up against it til I break the skin yeah I got to rub up against it til I break the skin. They’re gonna be mad at us. they’re gonna be mad at me and you. they’re gonna be mad at us. And all the things we wanna do. They’re gonna be mad at us, they’re gonna be mad me and you, they’re gonna be mad at us and all the things we wanna do. Just please don’t name this, please don’t explain this, just blame it all on me, just say I was shameless. Say I couldn’t slow it down let alone stop it, and say you just hung around cuz you couldn’t top it….. -ani-

Weee. They just called me off work. Meaning I can STUDY! And not be exhausted for my exam in the morning!! I’m contemplating taking a zyprexa (or the other half of the one I took last night), seeing as I’ve had so much trouble sleeping the last few days. I guess working nights gets to my circadian rhythms more than it used to. Or rather, I guess working nights doesn’t help any with my insomniatic nature. eheh.

Therapy today was ok. J played with dominoes. *grin* We were coming up with things that I did that worked well for me (like, ya know, eating. Sleeping. Breathing. Saying no when I want to. Not taking responsibility for everyone and everything. Using brand name shampoo.) I think we came up with 35. Well, she came up with about 25, I came up with maybe 10. Eheh.

Afterwards I went to MC and had an iced chai and an egg & cheese bagel. Marcus makes the best bagels. 🙂 And I studied for a little bit. Then I came home and studied some more. Then I played around on the computer for a while. Did the dishes. And made rice. It worked this time!!! hehe. M got me a rice cooker for my birthday, and the first time I tried it out, I of course messed up royally. (Thank gawd I have at least managed microwave cooking, mostly….) But this time I did ok. The smallest setting makes -alot- of rice! hehe. S’ok, since I really like rice. Now I need to get motivated/creative and find things to put *in* the rice, since it probably doesn’t have a heckuva lot of nutritional value on its own. eheh.

My darling cat puked all over my clinical clipboard earlier. *growls* At least I didn’t have any important papers clipped on top of it (It’s one of those clipboard things that opens up so you can put papers inside of it). I know why she pukes – she eats plastic. So, I try to keep all the plastic bags under the sink, but the other nite I happened to go to wally world, and I left just one bag on the kitchen floor cuz it had bathroom stuff and not kitchen stuff in it. Well, of course she chewed it up.

And even if I *didn’t* have them on the floor, she chews the plastic flaps off of the bags I use to line my desk garbage can and the bathroom garbage can. Silly creature. lah.

Got my insurance statement today for my car insurance. Somehow the payments are 20 dollars less than they were last year? Maybe because I’m 26 now instead of 25? I dunno. Luckily, my tax refund also came, so I can pay the insurance. And rent. And the gas bill. *sigh*

It was sunny and WARM out today. The bank sign said it was 71 on my way to J’s, but I think it was lying, cuz it didn’t feel 71 out. It felt about 60. But still. Warmth!! And sunshine! Yaaaay!

Lordy. Dr S just emailed me. I was to be a ‘visiting poet’ (along with another kid) for her poetry classes tomorrow. We’re still doing it for one, but not the other. Which means I switched therapy all around for essentially nothing! ARGH. I wish people would notify me of changes MORE than a day in advance.

lah lah lah. 1 oz = approximately 30mL/cc’s. 1 lb = approx 2.2kg. Vitamin A is retinol. Vit D is calcitrol (calcif…erol?) Vit E is…fec…something…erol. No, tocopherol. And Vit K is quinnes. Quinones. Woo.

I will definately be relieved to be done with this exam. I wish I had just one more day to study. Oh well. I have several hours, at least.

They better not call me back in to work tonite. I’ll be livid.

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36. Not answering your phone when works calls when you’re tired. 37. Learning how to make rice. Learning how to flavor and eat it. Doing so.

71! Dang. I thought it was BEAUTIFUL YAY! here at 53. 🙂 Yay for SPRING, huh? ryn: mmm… no. Those kisses from that particular entry were directly from my dream last night. My library crush chick again. She’s not come in in a LONG LONG time. Thought I had it licked y’know. …guess not so much. *sigh* …see her again for five minutes and I’m dreaming hard about some serious action

with her. Dang. …no. The “girl” kiss thing I think I wrote about on my blog–those were real. My gf Cass just got certified in massage therapy and Reiki I and II so she did a LOT of bodywork on me while visting from NYC this past weekend. & of course she’s my gf in the “we’ve been best friends since 14” kinda way–but also she would be The One that I lost my “girl cherry” to. 🙂 My

“3-some” experiment? I think I wrote about all that at some point? Anyway… we cooled our heels and she’s IN LOVE LOVE with this guy that she brought to visit and I think he’s just flat AMAZING so I’m happy for her… but y’know… the massage got a little sensual on her last day here and we both let it and we just kissed… for awhile you know. Nothing “else.” …it was just really NICE.

…in a GOOD way. …which is probably why I saw Jennifer (library crush chick) and y’know… flipped head over heels again. Cassie got me going dammit! 😉 Anyway. That’s the scoop on girl kissing… I *really* find myself missing it… A LOT. *sigh*