Blood and gore

Well, no gore, actually. Definately some blood though!

I actually felt productive at clinical this week. I got to take out an IV-thing, and I learned about Constavac’s (Basically looping a person’s blood out of them and then back in) and CPM’s (constant passive motion machine) and I passed a bunch of meds including percocet, coumadin, and allegra. Uhm….emptied some foley bags. hmmm. I think that’s about all. Oh, and some cath-care. Female catheters are much more stinky than males. eheh.

AND!!! After I was changing into my nsg uniform at school, I was making sure everything was where it was s’posed to be in the mirror, and I happened to catch a glint of something in my hair, I thought it was a fuzzball or something, so I leaned in for a closer look. More silver hairs! lol. Don’t even ask why this amuses me so much. It just does. Not that I want to go gray any time soon. But I’m just relieve that it doesn’t appear that I’ll end up with a head of white hair. I’d much rather silver or gray. The ones I have now are definately silvery. I wonder if it will go straight as I get older? I can’t recall ever seeing curly silver hair. hmm. Dunno.

Ugh. Need to pay bills tomorrow, definately. And catch up on the rest of my poetry homework. Lah.

I feel yucky. Light-headed and spacey-like. With a headache, or traces of a headache that make me feel naseous and kind of dizzy. I kept feeling like I was going to pass out at clinical tonite. That was bad.

Tired. Must sleep now.

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I hope you’re feeling better when you read this. =o)

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