
So. Yeah. Yesterday I got up at 6 so I could leave by 7 and be at the daycare by 8. I found the town just find, and the street the daycare was on. I passed by the daycare at least 4 times before I realized it *was* the daycare. Oi Vey.

I spent a lovely few hours just observing the kids (just-turning-5-year-olds) Made me miss working with little ones *so* much. Ugh. I guess I just need to graduate so I can get a job working with kids again!

After the daycare, I drove home, changed my pants and went right to the library to meet jen so we could edit the pieces of the journal, and just make sure everything was in good order before sending it off to the art dept people. Eek! I still need to write my “thank you” blurb. Have *no* clue what to say. Lah.

Was at the library for about 3 and a half hours, then came home, putzed around and answered a few emails, and then went right back out again to MC for the Open Mic night. Helped Jen set up the speakers and amps and such, and waited for the band to arrive!

Open mic was a pretty good success this time. The band could have better (had they not been stoned and completely making it up as they went along. It was ok tho, since it was guitar and hand drums. The guitarist was fine, and the drummer mostly kept up. *rolls eyes* We had a fair amount of people read too. I read! Eek. And 2 of the profs from the English department read, and before I read, the one (the one who came and subbed for my poetry class, actually) asked me if I wouldn’t mind coming to her class at some point and reading my poetry to them. I was like !! But you’ve only heard one of my pieces! Much of my other stuff probably isn’t what I should be reading to your class! But she disagreed. She said she’d email me the dates and such. double-eek. She also asked some of the other people from my poetry class who happened to be in attendance. -whew-

After open mic was done, I helped tear the stuff down and hung out for half an hour or so chatting and fooling around with Jen and Em who is like, the cutest little pixie person in the world. She just has one of those personalities that you want to bottle up and have forever, and she’s DAMN good at poetry. Woohoo. We made butt-babies. eheh. Yeah, I really can’t explain that. But it’s all good.

After MC, I went in early to work since one of the ppl on eve shift wasn’t feeling well. She had called earlier and I had told her that I’d try to get in early, but that I probably wouldn’t be in til 10. I ended up getting there around 9ish or so. Wee. So I sat and did the flows, took the pts out for smoke breaks, and organized the filing so night shift would have less work to do. Fun. There were only 15 pts on the Adult side (where I was) But 29 on the C/A. Oi vey.

So once 11 came, I went over the to C/A and spent much of the night there. Someone from evenings had emptied all of the garbage, so that was nice. It occurs to me now that I never cleaned the rec room, cuz Mary was completing an admission in there while I was cleaning the rest of the unit. Oops. I don’t think it was too awful dirty.

Then I checked in clothes, did rounds, did the copying, took stuff to the kitchen, etc etc. Then went over to the kids’ side and did the same thing. Wee.

After that I, I helped with the filing on the kids’ side, which took up until charting time and beyond to do. Then I helped with vitals and then it was time to come HOME. Yay! I was exhausted.

I think I fell asleep practically as soon as my head hit the pillow. Then Homie called around 1230 and asked if I had wanted to go to lunch. I had msg’d her last nite asking the same thing, so I didn’t want to refuse and say “no, I’m sleeping!” Even tho she woulda been fine with that. So I got up, put on some sweatpants and wrangled my hair into a sloppy ponytail and went to EnP. We sat and chatted. She’s been stalked (sort of) by this completely freaky scary boy. Like, ok. She *did* call him up one night in a fit of drunken stupidity and asked him over. But nothing happened between them (much to his dismay, I’m sure. Apparently he tried all night. Thankfully even at her drunkest, Homie retained enough sense to NOT do a thing with the jerk) But since then, he calls like, obsessively and he even *showed up at her house* one night. Like. He followed the pizza boy up the stairs and stood right behind him and then when Homie opened the door, he was like “Aha! I knew you were home…why don’t you ever return my calls…” I can see this situation getting real ugly, real quick.

I hate boys. This is true. And I definately hate some boys more than others. And I definately have a strong dislike for this one. Ick. She’s made it kinda clear, I think, that she wants nothing to do with him, but he just keeps hanging around like a bad smell. lah.

What else, what else…Oh. Poor Jay :o( I think he is no longer…seeing, dating, involved with…(whatever they were) Matt. He called to tell me as such while I was setting up for open mic. And I felt horrible cuz people kept interrupting me and I was having a hard time giving Jay my full attention, which he needed and deserved. So now I feel like a heel. Also because the aforementioned Matt was right *there* with me. Ugh. So. Jay’s not doing so great. *sigh* He went to NYC this weekend with some other art majors. I hope he’s able to forget his boy troubles and have a nice time.

So. My goal today was to come home from work, sleep til 3, get up and write two papers (one about the daycare, one about open mic), both just a max of 2 pages long, which I guessed would take me about 2 hours, then get a shower and then go see Batboy, the Musical again

Of course, lunch with Homie kinda disrupted that plan. But after I came home I slept for an hour and now I’m pretty much ready to get started on the papers and will hopefully have them done by 7. I should, almost definately, as it’s only 430 now. Then I can still shower and get to the show. I know I’ve seen it once, but I like to see the good ones as many times as I can. When I was actually living on campus, I often went to the shows 3 out of the 4 nights that they were playing. Eheh. Theatre geek, yes.

Oi. I also have to MAJORLY start studying for Pharm. This exam is 50 questions! Eek. And you can only miss 3 to still get an A. Except there will be three bonus questions, which means I can miss 6 if I get all the bonus right, and still get an A. *crosses fingers* Tho I’m thinking a B is more likely, and a low one at that. This stuff is more difficult than the last stuff. Tho, in a sense it’s not *as* difficult cuz the last section, all the drugs and stuff all did the same thing, had very similar side effects, etc. So sometimes it was hard to remember really what did what. This time the exam is on Diabetic meds (18 questions), Pain and anti-inflammatory meds (19 questions), and GI meds (13 questions). So. If not tonite, then tomorrow I will buckle down and get to it. The exam isn’t til Thursday. But now that I have a work study job, I don’t have that huge chunk of Nothing-Time on Mondays. But that’s ok. Wee…

Off to write papers.

the justice card
You are the Justice card. Justice preserves the
harmony of the world. Working with opposite
forces, Justice does not seek to criticize or
condemn but rather to accept. The idea behind
the card justice is that opposite forces are
complementary; you could not have good without
evil or light without darkness. Justice’s
position is to make sure that if a thing is out
of balance, the weight of its energy is
realigned with its opposite force. This card is
also a card of humour, for it is in pointing
out contrary positions that humour is often
found. The attitude that is found in the
humourous person, being able to shift
perspective and flow with an instinct, is
important in the maintenance of good balance.
Image from The Blue Moon Tarot Deck.

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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February 26, 2005

Hugs. 🙂

mmmm… boys. I guess we just have to agree to disagree on that one. 🙂 -bc

Thank you for your note regarding The Scar Project. I will add you to my faves, and ask that you add me to yours, as I will soon do an entry with a more full explanation of my plans.