That exam that I took a week ago….


Guess who passed her first Pharmaceutical Aspects of Nursing exam?


Guess who got an A!!!!

ME again!!!

Yup. Got them back today after a very interesting class. About a half an hour in to the course, all of a sudden we start hearing drums being played above us. And they got louder and louder. It was horribly distracting. Apparently there was an African Drummer playing on the floor above us. Ugh.

Anyways. After we learned about anti-inflammatories such as salycites (aspirin) and NSAIDs (ibuprofen) and about narcotics (morphine, demoral), we got our exams back.

The exam was worth 38 points. I missed four, as far as I could tell (she had photocopied the scan-trons, so it was difficult to tell which ones you missed), but got a free point for a question she entered wrong, and then I got the bonus point. So technically that means I should’ve gotten a 36/38, but she had me marked as a 35/38. She’s going to check it out.

AND there’s one question I’m going to dispute, because it was worded *really* poorly. The question was:

The nurse knows that drugs which produce a response are called:
a. viable
b. passive
c. agonist
d. antagonist

Ok. It’s obviously not passive. And it’s not antagonist, because those are drugs that work against one another. I would’ve picked agonist, except that in class she explained agonists as drugs that worked together. Implying there had to be *two,* ya know? One to work with the other. So I chose “viable” because I know that viable means, roughly, good.

The policy is that we can turn in questions/disputes within one week of the exam and she’ll consider them. I’m kind of doubting she’ll change her mind about it, but that’s ok. I have to try anyways. And it won’t change my grade, I’ll still have an A. But. It *will* mean that she’ll probably rewrite the question for the next group of nursing students, so.

Lah. hehe. In my email this morning I was greeting by a lovely picture of an elephant that J sent me. *grin* It made me smile. I shall print it out and stick it on my wall. Always good to have a reminder to take it in bites instead of trying to swallow it whole….

And, bonus. I came home and there was an envelope from the psych center and I figured it was just a “you don’t get paid this week” since I didn’t think I had worked during that pay period. But low and behold, I worked 2 nites apparently. Yay. That’s a little over one-fifth of the way to paying off the car repairs. *rolls eyes* eheh. All ya can do is laugh sometimes I guess….

I’m going to get stuff around so I know what to take to work tonite to begin studying for my next *huge* exam that’s on Monday. Eek!

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February 10, 2005

oooooh – she’s finding the funny…

Excellent! Congratulations!! Keep up the good work and all that stuff too! =o)

Hahaha. RYN. I have a friend who’s been following Batboy since Day 1. When he was editor of his HS newspaper, he would chronicle the further adventures of you know who. He would colloect all the stories he could on him. I once sent him a Batboy poster for Christmas. How could I not? The last I knew, Batboy went to the Middle East to find Osama. Any new developments?