Heaven in a wild flower…

To see a world in a grain of sand
and heaven in a wild flower.
To hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour. -William Blake-

I finished watching Lara Croft, Tomb Raider and then proceeded to watch Music From Another Room which was extremely sad but had a cheesily good ending. And a boy with a british accent. British accents are yummy. And it had a wonderful bit of a song in it that I had to immediately search for and dl. heh.

I’m kind of on the edge of being overwhelmed by stuff…Gloria stuff and Elmer stuff and Patrick stuff. All the usual stuffs that overtake me. But I’ve done ok so far just kind of pushing it off to the side. Not pushing it down. Just…off to the side. I want to write Gloria a letter, but I don’t know what it’d say. And I don’t have an address to send it to.

J sent me a quote the other day, I forget if I posted it or not…And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music (Niestzsche)

I had forgotten what the music sounded like, but I hear it again. Tho, I never quite thought that those who were seen dancing were insane. I think is the hardest part, ya know? I knew, somewhere in me, that they were hearing the music. And I couldn’t hear it. That’s the hardest part. Knowing it’s there, not being able to enjoy it.

To see a world in a grain of sand….

It’s a beautiful thing. I sat today and was totally entranced by the markings and veins on one of my plants. I felt a little autistic when I realized just how long I’d been sitting there, but that’s ok.

I definately need to go to bed. Not that I did anything today really but lay around on the couch. But I’m tired. I’ve been thinking a lot.

I think tomorrow I shall take a bubble bath.


Oh. The song that I downloaded…I highly recommend actually *hearing* it, cuz it’s lovely. To me. And it amuses me that the same person who sings this sings “Angry Johnny” eheh.

“Fly Away”

It makes sense that it should happen this way
That the sky should break, and the earth should shake
As if to say: Sure it all matters but in such an
unimportant way
As if to say: heee-eey.
Fly away, sweet bird of prey
Fly fly away
Nothing can stand in your way
Sweet bird, if you knew the words
I know that you’d say: fly, fly away
It makes sense that it should hurt in this way
That my heart should break, and my hands should shake
As if to say: Sure it don’t matter except in the most
important way
As if to say: hee-eey
Fly away, sweet bird of prey
Fly fly away
I won’t stand in your way
Sweet bird, if you knew the words
I know that you’d say: fly, fly away
It makes sense that it should feel just this way
That you slowly fade and yet still remain
As if to say: Everything matters in such an invisible way
As if to say: It’s O.K.

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I just watched Music From Another Room. I liked it very much. 🙂 Jude Law is just so delicious… (for a boy & all 😉

Here’s some “stuff” to distract you. My babies (when I don’t mean my dogs). http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/mlh3211/album?.dir=aff5&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http//photos.yahoo.com/ph//my_photos Bubble baths are wonderful. =o)