
So. Driving home tonite, I notice that there are stars out, lots of them, in the black sky. And the thought struck me, as it has before, that there’s no way I could live in a place without a view of the stars. Meaning, a place where it gets dark enough at night and is smog-free enough that you can *see* the stars. This kind of rules out most major cities.

I’ve always entertained the idea that I could live in NYC for a few years, but would then grow tired of the hustle, the ability to get lost in the crowd. And it’s true. I would.

I was driving along tonite, thinking about nursing, thinking about the future Yes. Me. Thinking about the future. It’s weird. I live in a small place. And while there are plenty of nursing jobs here, most of them are in personal care homes, which is one place I *know* that I couldn’t handle working in. And, while there *is* a hospital about 5 minutes down the road from my apartment…it’s small. Meaning not much specialization in terms of units. No ped’s unit. There is a new oncology part, I think.

My point is, the “good” jobs are all in the city. I would *love* to work at a Children’s Hospital. But it’s a nearly 2 hour commute. Could I do that every day? I don’t think so. I love to drive, but every day…it would make more sense to -live- there, but it is one city that I never had a desire to live in. Tho, nowadays they do interesting things like offer a job where you work two 16 hour days and get paid for 40 hours, and then have the rest of the week off. Some do a similar thing only with three 12 hour days. Heck, even the psych center where I work is having more and more nurses work 12 hour shifts (which screws the schedule up big time, but no one asked me…) instead of the normal 8. I dunno. I guess it’s good that I have a year and a half to think about it.

In other news, I called my dr’s office today and apparently my iron is “really, really low” and so Dr H has put me on some iron supplement. I haven’t picked it up from the pharmacy yet, but will do so in the morrow. Yay for more pills. *sigh*

My muscles ache and I dunno why. Maybe cuz I got a new bag? Different shoes? Being on my feet for 5 hours a day…

Luckily it’s my arms that hurt and not my back, which means I’m using proper body mechanics at Clinical.

More on the stars. Maslow’s hierarchy puts aesthetic needs kind of off to the side. He theorizes that one must meet basic needs first- need for safety, food, water, shelter. Then you can meet other needs- love and belongingness, esteem, etc. But I think I’m one of those people who has to meet aesthetic needs as well…it’s one of my lower-level needs? I need the stars. I need the perfect beauty of the sun glinting off ice-coated trees. I need soft colours and gentle breezes. I need thunderstorms and fierce winds and green plants. (even if I have a helluva time keeping them alive.) And music. I could have all the money and success and shelter and safety in the world but I wouldn’t survive if I didn’t have music.

And. My prof cancelled Thursday’s class, cuz he has a poetry reading. He actually has poetry readings for the next 3 Thursdays, but for the following two, he is having someone step in and monitor or teach the class. He’s a pretty good poet. He’s had 2 or 3 books published. Fun.

Sleepy time.

Log in to write a note

I couldn’t survive without music either.

-swoon- poetry. -sigh-

I need the stars too. I’m so glad they’ve been out the last few nights while walking my dogs. I also need music and a body of or flowing water near me… If you’re willing to commute, you can find a good city job and still live in the relative peace of the country. I’m 35 mins from downtown of the state’s capitol, and yet I see the stars with great ease, weather permitting.

February 2, 2005

Iron = meat, spinach. liver (!) *ducks and runs*