Bumper Stickers and…B things?

Oi. I’ve not written in quite some time. Not on purpose, just cuz this week has been madbusy. But I survived it. Now I just have to buckle down and study this weekend. First exam coming up on Thursday. Not to mention the many assignments my Poetry prof gave. Oi vey. But they’re not turn-in things, they’re just things we hafta write in our notebooks.

So. I went to dinner with Homie the other nite and she gave me a bumper sticker that Dr H (psych prof I had for the last 2 semesters whose classes I busted my butt to get A’s in) had given Lisa a bumper sticker to give to me. Well, Lisa gave it to Homie and Homie finally gave it to me. It’s awesome. It says: I’m Rush Limbaugh’s Gay, Liberal, Democratic Lover!

The sticker in itself is awesome. But the fact that one of my prof’s gave it to me cracks me up and makes me smile ๐Ÿ™‚

So. In other happenings…hmmm. School is going ok. This week was rough cuz I was lacking in sleep, a lot. But I managed to get (almost) everything done that needed to be done.

I finished cleaning up my apt, now I just need to vacuum. And then pick up DB from school and take her to the sitter’s and then I need to make flash cards for my pharm exam.

And then, somehow, I’ve gotten roped in to Donnie coming over to teach me about magic. Dunno quite how that happened. I mean, I’m interested in paganism. Wiccan stuff too. But…I’m not sure I have a real desire to learn how to do anything with it. I’d rather learn about Zen and that kind of stuff!

Ugh. My car is SO dirty. Maybe I’ll go thru the car wash after I drop the doodlebug off. If I can scrounge up a few more bucks, anyways. Which reminds me. I desperately need to do laundry. That’ll prolly have to wait until tomorrow though. Ick. I work tonite. Perhaps I’ll just put it in my car tonite and go first thing after work, then when I come home I can sleep and then when I get up I can just do homework and study, and won’t have to worry about going out again. That’s a thought.

Now that I think about it, I left my laundry soap in the car since I went to mum’s. Meaning it’s probably lumpy gunky goo by now! Oopsies.

Ok. No time to vacuum. Off to get the kid. ๐Ÿ™‚

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January 28, 2005

heh heh…funny sticker. i’m so tired of studying…and i’m tired of having a dirty car-stupid salt and freezing cold. *~

It’s always nice to go to bed knowing that you don’t have anything that will be immediately pressing when you wake up the next morning.

magick, zen, reiki, et. al. They’re all (at their source) one in the same… different ways of expressing the “same” …hmmm, “energy.” ? Yeah, energy is a good enough word. …ways for satisfying our need for spirituality, for belief in something *more* etc. But at the very BASE–the Bottom Line? (this is MY theory of course, and nothing more–but it’s based in almost 6 years thus far of

study) …heck–even xtianity… altho “religions” such as–say Buddhism… well they’ve managed to stick around for about as long as xtianity with virtually no bloodshed “in the name of” y’know? Xtianity on the other hand? Oh yes, lots of blood shed in the name of that “benevolent god.” …not to mention the fact that they ripped off the pagans in terms of oh, let’s say 75% (low end guess) of

their symbolism… Yeah. I’d say 75%. The other 25% they vilified/demonized. ๐Ÿ™‚ Xtianity is Cool. (not. ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway. Zen. You should read The Buddha in Your Mirror. I know, like you’ve GOT spare time right? ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway… it talks about a branch of Nichiren Buddhism and with all the years of research (and LOTS OF dabbling in the world of Magick… lots. *sigh*) it is what “fits” me best

thus far. I’ve actually begun actively practicing… which is… amazing. The experience has been amazing. Anyway. I hope you find something that feels like it “fits” you. I think that having that… that sense of community (altho I’m like the only Nichiren Buddhist that I know of for at least 300 miles!! ๐Ÿ™‚ and comfort… especially for those like… US you know? It’s a big deal.

…I think it’s a really big deal. Yoga also works it’s way in there too… w/ Buddhism I mean. Have you ever done Yoga? It REALLY–honest–helps.. hmm… it helps in terms of feeling a bit more–centralized, it does help find that sense of “calm.” (it’s also part of the Zen philosophy I believe…) I’m kicking myself in the ass. I SO SO SO need to get back into daily practice. I NEED to.

๐Ÿ™‚ …so totally should’ve gone to email. LOL ๐Ÿ™‚