Day two or is it three…
…of ‘Muggle’ concoctions. *laughs* This one specifically designed mind you, instead of throwing everything known to man to help into a tea bag. I have cough and congestion left…so that’s what the herbs are for that are now…And it has helped a bit more already. Don’t cherish the idea of another three cups of the brew…which is how many more tea bags I have made up…but I probably should. Not the most flavourful bit of drink, although I think I must of lost the bitter herb this time around.
Oh bloody hell…They gave the Penguins from Madagascar thier own short…but it’s with a Wallace and Gromit movie…so the chances of me seeing it are less than slim to none. Not that I’ve seen Madagascar at this point either. I swear it’s someone’s plot to drive me absolutely nutters.
I’ve got to do some computer switching…wish I could be switching over to a new one that didn’t require a fan sitting behind it to keep it going. But I’m going to set up the one that has an internet allergy ( it’s favorite line being ‘This page can not be displayed’ ). But I’m going to set it up to use the picture programs on it. This one, lovely antiquated piece of machinery that it is, can’t handle anything added to it. It crashed enough as it is…can you say 2-3 times daily (and that’s on a good day).
I suppose the setting up of that can be the goal for today…which also requires the cleaning off of the table beside the desk, which has seemingly become a catch all for desk run-off…What I wouldn’t give for a bit better organization skills. Although…I think I’d much rather take a nap…nap sounds good all of a sudden…Wonder if I can do both, and still have the house standing.
Well, did get a bit of a nap. Didn’t get the other computer set up though. Still feeling drawn out and tired, but I’m trying to get an actual quiz/quiz finished to put up on Quizilla. This computer doesn’t want to play nice though, and it making it difficult. But as soon as I manage to get it done, I’ll take it and post the results. *smiles*