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Congratulations on making YouTube.com Partner! Wow!

November 19, 2011

The only times I ever talk in a theatre is if I’m not enjoying the movie. I get grumpy and then I start making fun of it as it progresses. I’ll give some example: While watching ‘Resident Evil Afterlife’ (Not my call, my brother picked the film for his birthday) the movie was just horrible, despite the 3D (yes, I so wanted to watch the shell casings fly out of all the automatic weapons at us… well worth $17) the lead actor from jail break was, (surprise!) in a jail and the main characters didn’t want to let him out. The guy said ‘I know a way outta here’, and I called out to the screen “Is it tatooed on your back?” The theatre erupted into laughter, as they all knew I was making a reference to Jail Break which was ten times better than the cheese we were watching. Another time I got talking to the screen was during Drive, for it’s lack there of any driving what so ever. Congrats on making partner. Try not to bring the whole site down. Cheers,