Set the fire to the third bar

There’s something about leaving work in the middle of the day, when it’s unexpected, that makes me smile and lift my heart momentarily and forget that I’m going home because I feel like crap. I’m loaded with cold and my sinuses feel so blocked that opening my eyes beyond a squint feels quite painful. Excellent timing as I’m off work from Wednesday for a week anyway and have my big ‘Preparing to Practise’ weekend in Reading coming up, where not only do I have to sit an test but I also need to run a faciliation to my peers and receive feedback on it, as well as participate in 7 other faciliations and give feedback. I need to be on top form and I feel like curling up in bed and pulling the duvet over.

So here I am, at home (obviously I can’t work today but can sit on here and write an entry), looking at the table where the computer sits. You know, the table I decluttered in the last entry. If it wasn’t for that recording of the fact, I wouldn’t even know that I had decluttered it. It seems my table, along with our 2-seater sofa, just attracts everything in the room. There’s papers that need sorting, a coffee cake I made on Sunday, books that need registering, half unwrapped presents from a recent bookcrossing exchange and various bits of gadgety things and wires. It’s no wonder Zoe refuses to sit at her own little table, we’re hardly setting the greatest example in the world here when we only ever eat sitting on the sofa.

I had a so-so Mother’s Day. Yes, I got to lie in until 8am and Zoe/Duncan bought me presents and a card (Pretty in Pink on dvd & a Waterstones voucher) and I even got a card Zoe made at nursery (although when asked, she said it was for her, not me). But then, after a lazy Sunday morning, Duncan went out to watch rugby and I had to spend the afternoon entertaining Zoe, which seems to me like a normal Wednesday or weekend, so not quite what I was expecting. I guess I always thought that, this year, I’d have at least a bump again, but instead, I’m on yet another cycle where my body is just flatly refusing to ovulate. Ugh.

That’s about it. I’m gonna curl up on the sofa and watch 3 episodes of Bones and some dvds and finish my book. Sinus pain and general yuckiness aside, I’m looking forward to it.

Until there is a next time…

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March 24, 2009

That’s not fair, being ill when you’ve got leave booked. Hope you feel better soon. And sorry your Mother’s Day wasn’t so good, give it a few years and you’ll have Zoe bringing you soggy cornflakes and weak tea in bed!

Apart from the sinus thing, that sounds like an excellent way to spend an afternoon! Hope you feel better. *HUG*

March 24, 2009

I’ve got that same sinus cold going on (we’re on day flipping 10 here grrr) and I so want it cleared by Thursday because that’s when The Man and I go away for our two day/one night vacation1!! AHHHH! Go rest, feel better.

March 24, 2009

I’m loving Bones. Hope you’re feeling better soon love. Have sent you an email 🙂

March 25, 2009
March 26, 2009

RYN: I know the original was bad enough!! lol.x x

March 28, 2009

Thank you for your note, very nice of you 🙂 Have got your email, than answer is a yes, I’ll reply today incase you’ll see that instead of this 🙂