Cash machine

Never has that song been more apt.

Yesterday was frustrating – I tried booking train tickets for a study day in London, the site kept telling me there weren’t any, and there were. I tried to write here, it was down. I tried to buy a book for my studies from Amazon marketplace, my internet crashed every time I tried to check out. The useless NCT didn’t take the money for my studies again! The third payment they’ve now forgotten about. I am far too honest for my own good and emailed them to let them know. I managed to stop short of ranting at them but I’m sorely tempted to not tell them if they miss another payment, it’s getting beyond ridiculous now, given that they’ve had almost a year to sort it out.

I’m still struggling to fit everything in – I’ve written and sent my 2nd piece of work to be marked, submitted the marks from my presentation to the exam board for verification and really need to get onto the next 2 drafts I’ve got if I’m gonna have any hope of finishing level 1 in the autumn. I’ve also almost completed my first Christmas present (a knitting project) and I need to start on Zoe’s Christmas stocking and a jumper for myself. I’ve got a stupid amount of books sitting in the house – both study and non-study – which are threatening to colonise the soon-to-be-not-spare room and need reading. And yet, somewhere into that, I’m going to fit in committee work for the Bookcrossing 2009 Unconvention.

What can I say? I actually really missed getting involved this year, and attending, and in some ways, doing this is my way of keeping in touch with bookcrossing, otherwise I’d have drifted from the social side of it by now, especially without Newcastle meets any more. I’d like to think we’ve already started planning better for 2009 than for Brighton 2007, but I fear with our proposed location (Edinburgh, but shhh, it’s still not public knowledge) that it will be a much harder task.

Zoe continues to be a delight and terror all in the space of a few minutes. Her words are coming on wonderfully, her personality and smile dazzles everyone, including the nursery staff, and I adore her, a statement I never thought I’d make 18 months ago. I am, however, incredibly broody for another one – 2 of our NCT group (of which there were 6 including us) now have 2nd babies and one has just announced her 2nd pregnancy. I so want this to be us soon but there is so much more to consider this time around – my course, Duncan’s work, Zoe – and add to that, my own cycles are even more fucked up than they were the first time around. I know it’ll happen when it happens, etc, etc. I guess I just want it to happen now, rather than having to wait just another month longer. So, we can see where Zoe gets her impatient streak from, right?

Until there is a next time…


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May 2, 2008

Cash Machine…Ive always loved that song. =)

when you mentioned the ‘soon-to-be-not spare room’, i thought for sure you were going to announce that you were pregnant in the next breath!! by the way, i miss you! 🙂

May 5, 2008

If Duncan’s twiddling his thumbs whilst you’re busy, get him to take more photos of Zoe and get them on flickr, will you?! I have a large pile of books that aren’t suitable for wild releasing, so I look forward to hauling them up to Edinburgh next year (and bringing a large number of books back home with me, I suppose!)