
There’s no real entry today. I have a lot of dark thoughts swirling round my head at the moment and whilst I know that the best thing to do would be to process them here, I can’t, because to do so would be to admit the thoughts in the first place and that would just make me feel worse. Or maybe not. I don’t know. Suffice to say I’m struggling with Zoe at the moment. I know it’s just independence and boundary testing, but goddamn it, it’s so hard and makes me feel so rubbish that I’m sure I’m doing her no good at all. And it’s not like the PND phase, when she was so little she’s unlikely to remember it, now she will. She’s 18 months old and beautiful and I’m so, so scared of screwing it up.

So, no real entry, just a game I swiped from donut. No prizes or anything, what kind of place do you think this is? I’ll give you 2/3 days to get the answers (if you need that long, some of them are easy)

1. Pick 10 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Fill in the film title once it’s guessed.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search functions.

1 – person 1: God, I’m so sick of this rain. Remind me never to take my honeymoon at Niagara Falls. 
person 2: So, you go to Acapulco. (dirty dancing – donut)

2 – My dad always said that there’s 24 usable hours in every day (empire records – donut)

3 – That girl was, is, and always will be nada!

4 – My tits grew up on national television

5 – It’s true! You get colonized! Your native culture gets driven out, and it’s replaced by stuff that you don’t like and don’t even want to know about.

6 – Sharks are like dogs, they only bite if you touch their private parts

7 – So, young woman, the way forward is sometimes the way back (labyrinth – blueberrymarcus)

8 – Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane (shawshank redemption – donut)

9 – Person 1: The way you expressed your opinion to Bobby Ridgeway? By the way, his testicle retrieval operation went quite well, in case you’re interested.
Person 2: I still maintain that he kicked himself in the balls. (10 things I hate about you – donut)

10 – Devil child, devil child!

Until there is a next time…


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1 is dirty dancing. 2 is empire records (i love that movie) 8 is from the shawshank redemption? 9 is from 10 things i hate about you 🙂 that’s all i’ve got 🙂