What a difference a day makes

And a, slightly belated, happy new year to you all.

It’s not been the greatest of starts in the perfect circle household. I came off my antibiotics after my obligatory 10 days on them and within 24 hours was feeling rubbish again, although less rubbish than beforehand, so I’ve been sucking throat sweets and not sleeping well and seem to have almost gotten over it now. Because of the whole thing though, I’ve been slightly less pro-active with my studying than I hoped and I’m no further on from the last entry. This will definitely be changing next weekend though as I have my intro weekend in Sunningdale and that should give me the final bit I need for the next essay so that should be done, with the 1st essay and the presentation by the end of the month. That gives me 5 months to do 3 literature reviews, 2 essays (on being parented and being a parent) and 2 group observations. Fingers crossed.

I have lots of other little projects planned for the year. I’m getting back into bookcrossing, specifically wild releasing, and have challenged myself to release 366 books this year (one for every day). Not doing too badly so far, 10th Jan and I’ve released 9. I also want to reduce the mountain of to be read books as well, I’ll need to if we’re going to turn the spare room into Zoe’s room in preparation for a potential brother or sister next year. I’ve also got lots of knitting projects planned for the year, mostly for Zoe, but also a couple of gifts for people. I swear I will be less disorganised next Christmas and make more presents beforehand.

The new year has brought the usual resolutions, or planned changes for the year. Lose weight (again) is the favourite. 3 pounds so far since January first, which is pretty good considering I’m following no actual diet and am still finishing the chocolates we got given at Christmas. We’ll see how long it lasts but I have all my Slimming World stuff ready to go if all else fails. Find a new job is a popular one in our office at the moment as well, but I’ll be sticking it out until we have another baby (another ‘project’ for this year! A second line on a test would be a lovely thing to see over the summer). Work has been rubbish beyond belief with the new contracts we’ve been winning. It’s not like we expect management to check every tiny thing with us, the workers, but ffs, how about checking we can actually do something before promising a major client that we can?! Utter morons. I can’t wait for the day I leave this place and conduct an exit interview.

And that’s it, my life is ridiculously busy and slightly dull right now, which, let’s face it, never makes for interesting diary entries, I need some angst (other than that which I get from watching the Rovers these days).

Until there is a next time…


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i tried the bookcrossing thing once. i wish i’d stuck with it… but in the end, i just got as far as picking a couple books to leave at random places.. i had good ones, too.

normally busy and dull don’t go hand-in-hand 🙂 hehe glad everything’s status quo, anyway! *HUG*

January 10, 2008

Not dull at all!! Good luck with all the resolutions and the baby thing.And Sunningdale …. ooh, very posh place!!!

January 10, 2008

Don’t worry about my b’day, I can’t even remember what month yours is … march? I’m hopeless!! The potato peeler was from U. I think mine might have got thrown away with the peelings at some point so when I did our lamb roast on Xmas Thursday I had to use a knife and was hopeless … so he was just being thoughtful, if a little unromantic! his excuse was that he was concerned I didn’t have many parcels as I was choosing one present and another two hadn’t turned up!!!