Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution

I consider myself to be quite internet savvy. OK, in the grand scheme of things, I’m probably not all that much, compared to others, but I’ve had an online presence for over 7 years now, which is a long time in the world of the internet.

Which is why it’s a mystery that, until recently, I’d never bothered with sites like facebook, myspace, or any other of the myriad of ‘social networking’ sites that exist on the web. Note I said until recently. I actually only joined facebook because a (almost former) friend was on there and I wanted to be nosy about what was going on in her life. But you needed to join and then add the person as a friend to read the profile, so I left it at that. Joined but done nothing else. Then a couple of people (somehow) spotted me on there and added me to their friends list so I returned to the site and it’s snowballed from there. What a time-sucking site it is too. I’ve found old friends I haven’t spoken to in too long and reconnected, which is fabulous, and I also get to nosey at my work colleagues profiles, which is fun.

Everything else is ticking along nicely. A week today, I’ll be on a train heading for Brighton and the Bookcrossing Unconvention, which has come together nicely and I think the three of us deserve a rather large drink on Saturday night, assuming there are no hiccups along the way. I’m looking forward to my weekend off and hopefully it’ll give Duncan a small insight to why I am so flipping exhausted all the time.

Zoe has been teething so it’s been unbroken sleep (despite medication) and now refusing to eat anything beyond yoghurt, cereal and toast. But I can see those next 2 teeth waiting to poke through, so hopefully it’ll be over before I leave for Brighton, otherwise I don’t fancy Duncan’s chances much for the weekend (Zoe tends to be a mummy’s girl when teething, not least cos she wants feeding all the time). We had our first parents evening last night, something I didn’t expect to have to do until she was in school, but still. It was all really positive, she’s a delight in nursery (although, really, are they going to tell you if your child is shocking, hurting the other kids and they don’t want them there? I think not). It makes me feel loads better about leaving her there each day, knowing that she’s happy and is clearly loved by the staff. They all think she’s the happiest, smiliest, cuddliest baby. (Well, that’s what they tell me and I like living with that illusion, thank you very much)

Still waiting to start training with the NCT. Forms are all done and sent, it’s just waiting for them, and the university, to sort themselves out now. At least 2 other people in the area have applied and been accepted as well, which will be good, we’ll be able to support each other along the way, I just hope there’s enough work in the area for us all in 2.5 years time.

Until there is a next time…


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ahh duncan is staying home with zoe! enjoy your weekend away !! 😀

June 25, 2007

I am also obsessed with facebook. I wonder if my passion will wane, or whether this is now it, and I’ll be reduced to writing on people’s walls forever rather than calling them?! Fingers still crossed for your training – it sounds amazing.