Fix you

Some of the more observant amongst you may have noticed a ticker on my description page. I quite like it (and, quite frankly, I don’t care if you don’t). It’s to help me keep track of my cycles and when I might have ovulated. Think of it as living the stress with me.

Although, I shouldn’t complain really as I’ve now dropped 8 pounds and, for the first time in 8 months, I flipping ovulated!! Of course, I didn’t really realise it at the time, so no +ive pregnancy test resulted from it but at least I know that I can and that losing more weight should help. It’s a start and a handy motivation tool all in one.

We started properly house hunting last night, with our first viewing. A girl at work spotted the house, just round the corner from her, so was quite excited about us viewing it and possibly moving there. I felt terrible this morning telling her we wouldn’t be. The house was nice enough, lovely big, bright living room and fantastic garden (although it needed a little work, which wouldn’t have really bothered me) The main downside with the house was there was no double glazing, which is practically a must for us. There was an alarm system, but that apparently didn’t work, never had done according to the current owner, and I’m not sure how much it would have cost us to sort out as apparently it was fitted by a company that has since gone under. The main problem for me was non-house related and when I gave feedback this morning to the estate agent I felt a bit bad as there was really nothing the seller could do, short of uprooting the house to a nicer area. The whole area seemed quite scummy, tbh. There were teenagers hanging out on every corner, a number of boarded up houses on the street, which didn’t make a great impression and there was a school just nearby, so I could see it being quite busy at certain times of the day. The public transport was also pretty dire. It’s not on the Metro system and the buses mostly stopped by 7, which is no good for working late or going out in the evenings. To be honest, it just didn’t feel like a family home to me and I doubt I’d have felt comfortable raising kids there. But I felt like such a snob trying to explain that to the agent this morning. When we looked at our current flat, I knew right away it was for us. I could picture us living there. I couldn’t see us living in this house last night.

But we never expected to find the perfect house on the first go. In fact, I don’t expect us to find the perfect house at all, just the one that needs the least amount doing to it/spending on it would be a start. We’re off to look at 2 more on Saturday and have a number of possibilites lined up to go over and think about viewing. In the meantime, I have to start clearing the flat out in preparation for moving. I can see I’m gonna have loads to get rid of and will be making much use of Ebay and freecycle over the next few months.

Until there is a next time…


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August 3, 2005

You’ll know when you’ve found the right house – don’t rush into anything, and don’t feel you have to explain to anyone, least of all the agent, why a house isn’t right for you! And good news about the ovulation – fingers crossed good things come of it :0) PS Fix you sends shivers down my spine …

you wouldn’t think you’d want to get rid of a lot, seeing as you’re moving from a small flat to a bigger house! heheh. it’ll be empty! 🙂 and uh, yay for ovulating!! oh and what’s double glazing?! ok, i’ll shut up now 😉

August 3, 2005

Wooohooo there will be little PC’s running around before you know it 🙂 Paul and I found the perfect house, shame it was about $1 million to buy. He have decided we are better off in rentals as housing hre is just way to expensive and like you guys we don’t want to live in “one of those areas”. Good luck with the houses on the weekend. I have my fingers crossed for you *hugs*

August 3, 2005

*agrees with Sapphire* There will be a house, and it might be next week, next month or whenever, that you will walk into and it will be right. Don’t waste your hard-earned cash on any house until you get that feeling. And good luck 🙂

August 4, 2005

RYN: I was talking to Lucy on Tuesday and she’d quite like to organise the Hull crowd coming up to Newcastle for a weekend meet! Perhaps there should be a home and away fixture??