We’ll deal with you later

I had an entry in my head, all planned out on the way to work this morning. But somehow, writing about how upset I am that I’m not pregnant after I’d pretty much stupidly convinced myself that I might be, it all seems so utterly stupid and not worthy of time today.

My heart goes out to those who have friends and family in London, I hope they are all safe. I watched the news unfold feeling sick to my stomach, worrying about Helen (who is safe) and other friends in the area. It seems everyone I know is OK. My heart also goes out to the familes of those killed and injured. I haven’t seen the images yet, mostly just words on a screen and I know that I will be glued to the news when I get home in an hour or so. My stomach is unsettled and I find myself catapulted back to a time, quite a while ago so I only get fuzzy images, but not that far gone that I don’t remember, of IRA threats and attacks through the 80s. Different name, different cause, but it seems we’re back there.

There are comments I could make, monologues on our leaders, on world leaders but now is not the time.

Until there is a next time…


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July 7, 2005

i know how you feel. i’m glad all your friends are safe.

July 7, 2005
July 7, 2005

Glad you (and yours) are safe xxxx

July 8, 2005


July 8, 2005

I’m glad that the people you know are safe. (And don’t feel bad about still being upset over not being pregnant. You’re allowed to be…)

i’m glad everyone is safe. i’m also glad therumtumtugger is safe. *HUG*