Somewhere only we know

According to scientists, yesterday was the worst day of the year. They weren’t kidding. I had to do a late shift, I got rained/sleeted on during my walk to the post office. At work they gave me Trisha, Home and Away, Pool and some bad gossip-type programme for channel 5 to work on. I discovered the government introduce a new law next Tuesday (in a bid to stop sham marriages) which may or may not apply to me and Duncan (it shouldn’t cos we’re not getting married in this country but with these muppets in power, you never know) which requires much jumping through hoops to allow us to marry and would require a complete visa change for Duncan and the paying out of more money. I call my hotel to arrange meeting for our UK reception (current guest count 6, including me and Duncan, apparently my family fail to grasp that rsvp means you damn well rsvp – I know they’re coming, they’ve booked hotel rooms already but still!) only to find out our wedding co-ordinator has left. Nice to be told these things right? The final straw was watching Blackburn get robbed by an obvious dive in the penalty box by the cheating fcukwitted Bolton player who then scored off the rebound. Grrrrrrr.

It was my birthday on Saturday. For the first time in about 8 years, I wasn’t dreading it. I get stressed about my birthday usually. I mean panic attack stressed. But this year I was so calm and not caring about it at all. I think I’ve finally realised that making myself sick over the date and the fact that I’m getting older isn’t going to change the date and the fact that I’m getting older. I’ve (just about) learned to live with it. I had a nice day. We went out on Friday with friends for drinks then dinner at a tapas restaurant in Newcastle. On Saturday we relaxed and I enjoyed being spoilt a little bit. My mum got me this season’s Blackburn shirt, my sisters got me a cool little purple make-up bag. Duncan got me Grease and Supersize me on DVD, plus a Larry Flynt book on American politics and two Buffy books (Tales of the slayer volumes one and two) I got money from my dad and grandad and apparently from my gran (but she’s ill and hasn’t posted it yet).

We relaxed all weekend, both pretty knackered from Thursday’s trip to London. Highbury was awesome and had I not been a rovers fan of 20 years, I could have been convinced to convert. Duncan loved the tour as well and when we watched the arsenal play newcastle on Sunday, it was nice to be able to say, “I was there.” at various points. Following the tour we had a wander round Covent Garden (unimpressive these days, too many chain shops have moved in and displaced the independent shops) and the shops near Embankment, where Duncan bought South African food and I left a couple of books. A visit to an official bookcrossing zone in a former local pub was completed before dinner with Helen and flying back to Newcastle. We were delayed for an hour on the way home, so were pretty knackered when we finally made it back. I think I’ve just about recovered now.

My weeks are already looking busy. Duncan’s away tomorrow night with work, which will be weird, I have the inaugral Newcastle bookcrossing meet to organise for February 8th as well as underwear to buy before my dress fitting and a new wedding co-ordinator’s ass to kick cos she should have been in touch by now to begin final organisation. Plus REM in just under four weeks time!!

Until there is a next time…


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January 25, 2005

RYN: There were a few laugh out loud moments but it just didn’t gel but it just wasn’t very well written.

Happy Birthday (heh I typed brithday first – wonder what the hell that is?). Better late than never 😀 We’ll celebrate properly when I’m visiting 🙂

February 4, 2005

Hey you! Just wondering how you’re going :)Wanted to make sure the wedding preperations weren’t stressing you out too much. Thinking of you *hugs*