We have all the time in the world

A belated happy new year to you all. I hope it is peaceful, healthy, happy and everything you want.

The title, of course, is a lie. I have no time. I have stacks to do and can’t seem to find the time or motivation to get the heck on with it all. I have a cake to organise, underwear to buy, more damn invites to make, presents to organise, duncan’s ring to buy, his suit to organise, table cameras, venue meetings, blah, blah, blah. So why can’t I be bothered to do all this stuff? Why didn’t I do all this before Christmas instead of procrastinating and delaying? And I have to do all this stuff because I’ve sent the invites out now, so it has to go ahead. People will be coming (ok, so far it’s only me, duncan and mark, but still, there will be people there). I wish there were things I could be doing whilst at work. All I want to do when I get home is relax, sleep, not glue, cut and swear at the printer for being crap again and sending paper through without printing on it.

To add to this, my mum went into hospital on Sunday. She had a hysterectomy on Monday. The op went fine and she should be home by the end of the week. It’s frustrating being here and not being there to help her but I have barely enough holiday. We decided to send her a little ‘getting better’ parcel for when she comes home and has 6 weeks off work. We put in a new copy of one of her favourite magazines, biscuits, chocolates, bath bombs from Lush for relaxation and I made her some massage oil to help reduce the scarring. I’m glad the worst part’s over and glad everything went OK. Monday, her op day, was the four year anniversary of the day she had her kidney out due to cancer. I was so terrified they’d find something like that again but I couldn’t tell her that’s why I was so worried. I knew, deep down, she was thinking similar things. But it’s over and now she can focus on recovering.

We’re off to London for the day next Thursday. Apparently I’m the best fiance ever cos for Duncan’s wedding present, we’re off on a Highbury legends tour of the stadium next week. One of the girls at work, a huge arsenal fan, plans to pile me up with stuff to get signed for her. Afterwards, we’re meeting Helen for dinner and birthday/christmas present exchanging. I can’t wait for that bit. I could, however, do without the getting up at 4:30am to catch our plane bit. Then it’s my birthday on Saturday. I’m ambivilant towards that. 28’s not a bad age, I guess, I just don’t wanna be it. I was quite happy being 22, what the hell happened there?

Until there is a next time…


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January 12, 2005

I was very happy being 16.

January 12, 2005

RYN: I’ve even got the “guest” organised, so there should be at least four people at the do 🙂 When you get back from Highbury, perhaps you can explain who these legends are?!

January 12, 2005

You are the best fiance in the world aren’t you – Duncan must be thrilled. I know how you feel about all the wedding stuff, but trust me it all gets done eventually, but don’t forget Duncan is getting married too and he can help…let him organise his suit and help with the invites! Try not to stress *hugs*

tell duncan to organise his own damn suit 😉 have a happy birthday!! *HUG*