The hardest button to button

OK, so the entries from July and September are gone. Probably no loss in my case, I think I was merely complaining about how crap I felt and comments on visiting my parents which maybe best left unsaid now.

I feel like I’m treading water and not altogether successfully keeping my head from getting wet. I work in a very negative office these days and I never realised before how much negative energy effects me. I think I’m a magnet for it in some way. All anyone’s done recently is complain about the new working practises. That’s all they do, complain. They don’t start applying for new jobs (even though they say they’re leaving) they don’t shut up and get the hell on with it (even though they complain 50 minutes a day is possible). I think I’m giving myself an ulcer by keeping quiet. I just want to stand on my chair and scream the following at them all “Hate the new working practise? Then f*ck off! Either do something about it by leaving or learn to live with it. But for God’s sake shut the f*ck up whinging about it! It’s not hard to do 50 minutes of substandard subtitles a day. Maybe if you stopped making tea every 30 minutes, or stopped looking for cheap holidays that you can’t go on until next year cos you’ve got no more leave left, or stopped playing solitaire on your mobile, maybe if you stopped doing all these things and got the heck on with it, you’d actually manage 50 minutes a day. It can’t be that hard if I can bloody well manage it and fit some internet time in as well. As for your job prospects, you have unrealistic ideas about working. No-one will pay you £20K + to sit on your arse and surf the net all day. This is one of the cushiest jobs going. Don’t like the pay? Then what are you doing here? It was no secret how much they paid when you applied for the job. Now shut the f*ck so I can get on with my work without getting a headache by lunchtime.” I love my job, I just hate the office and the people in it. I wish they’d let me work from home. The latest stellar idea from management means that from November, we’ll be working in teams. I’d better not get anyone whiny or I’m liable to lose it and thump them. We’ll also start working shifts, working till 7 one night a week. I’d rather work a full week of lates then 4 weeks of normal shift simply because I think one late night a week will screw up my sleeping patterns (more than they already are of course!) Working till 7 means getting home at half past, then dinner and relaxation then bed but I’ll be getting up at 6 the next morning for my normal 7.30 start. I just don’t think it’s gonna help my sleep patterns in the slightest.

At the end of the day, what am I gonna do? Get on with it, there’s little else to do. It’s the same with life generally, you either get on with it, fix it or give up on it altogether. I ain’t giving up and I can’t fix it so I might as well get my head down, type away and hope that one day I’m rewarded for loyal service.

I’ve been, slowly, making the wedding invites and, I promise, as soon as I remember, I’ll scan one in so you can see them. Otherwise, life continues as normal, as ever.

Until there is a next time…


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October 20, 2004

I’m placing my hopes for work related salvation in 5, 10, 13, 16, 37 and 47. Oh, yes, and getting the local job ads tonight.

October 20, 2004

Sounds like a really horrid situation, I hope these people eventually realise that they have actualy got it really good, sure as heck beats no income at all!

October 20, 2004

Negative work environments – tell me about it! It’s such a relief to be out of the one I was in I can tell you! RYN: I love the book although I did read one fairly negative review where the author said he wondered if it would have had the same impact if it hadn’t been made into a film & I wondered if he had a point because it was on the strength of the film that I bought the book.

October 20, 2004

Have you read it? If so what did you think? It’s the first Graham Greene book I’ve read but I think I might read some more once I finish.

October 20, 2004

Grrrr that must be so annoying. Wish i lived there, I’d love a job that paid me to surf!!

October 21, 2004

RYN: thanks for the advice. They’ll be my next 2 & I’ll let you know what I think!

October 24, 2004

Maybe I am old-fashioned but I work hard for my pay and it seems you do too. I dislike people who whine about having to actually work to earn a living, rather than turning up at the office and just passing the time at their desk. Just can’t get the staff any more. Take care.

what I really love is when i work until 10 pm and then have to work at 8 am the next morning. that’s my favourite 😛