Exhuming McCarthy

Well, I don’t think there’s much to say on my current lack of diaries. Serves me right for not backing everything up. Don’t think I’ve done that in over 12 months, hopefully DM can get them restored.

I’m not feeling as crappy as I did when I last wrote. I got my REM tickets yesterday (Feb 21st at Sheffield!!!) thanks to a site mixup that meant I got them three days earlier than I should have. Hopefully I’ll get a wristband as well which allows me in before the general public and means I can be right at the front again. It’s gonna be awesome. I finally heard the new single last week and love it, have been playing it to death on the pc.

It’s been really quiet in life recently. I’ve neglected to do anything weddingy beyond pick up my dress from the bridal shop. I tried it on and it fits (I can’t remember if I’ve told you this or not). It fits brilliantly, in fact it’s a little too big in places so no crash diets for me. As long as I can at least maintain my weight now, everything will be fine. I’ve also got some gorgeous sparkley sandals to go with it. We made our second practise cake, which will double for this year’s christmas cake as well. I’ve been very organised for xmas too, already got half of duncan’s presents and a few for family already. We’re strangely organised for something at least. Still not got round to making wedding invites. I want to send them out in January and we still need to buy new ink for the pc. I really should get on with it or it’ll be December before you know it and I’ll be panicking.

I seem to have spent a large amount of my time reading recently. I picked up 30 books at the bookcrossing national meet in Birmingham and am still working my way through them. It’d probably help if I stopped buying more and stopped getting myself signed up for rings/rays and ignored the people offering books on the website. I will never learn. I now experience some anxiety when I finish a book cos how the heck am I gonna choose what to read next out of the 200+ now scattered round my house? I need a month off work to just sit and read. Would be nice, wouldn’t it?

Until there is a next time…


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I wasn’t overenamoured with the new REM choon, but I’m sure it’s a grower!

September 17, 2004

I thought I was very restrained only coming home with seven from the Leeds meet this week. I accept that I’m never going to read all my books. C’est la vie!

you know, i’ve come to realise that quiet is not necessarily a bad thing 🙂 oh and I have some kind of crappy news…guess what date my sister’s wedding is on? yep, may 21st. BAH.

ryn: of course!! 🙂

September 20, 2004

Be organised, be very organised, organisation means less stress and with less than 2 weeks to go I know all about stress!

October 7, 2004

RYN’s: Have been hoping you would update so I could see how things were with you. Thanks you for your card and well wishes, promise there will be more photos soon. I cant wait for yours now that mine is out of the way!! Huge hugs and thank you again