In the shadows

Wedding stuff:

I went dress shopping on Saturday and you know, it wasn’t as horrible as I thought it would be. Maybe it’s because Melissa doesn’t criticise everything. My mum had mentioned something about my shoulders being not very nice in January and she put it into my head that I was unhappy with my arms. Why does she do this? She had me looking at dresses with sleeves that, let’s face it, are hardly practical in tropical heat. Anyway, I had two appointments and the sales assistants were lovely in both shops. In the first they let me pick out things I liked and try them on. Then they suggested things that might look better and I found a gorgeous dress. Only problem is it’s £800 which is a little more than I was planning to spend on my dress. And I can’t find it anywhere on the net. Their ad says they have a website which doesn’t work. It’s by a company in Australia (so AO, if you can find anything on a bridal wear company called Essence it would be masses of help).

The second shop was great too. They picked out things they thought would suit me and I found a second dress which I liked. It’s much cheaper and is a two piece, which I wasn’t keen on at first, but this does look good. It’s hard to tell if either was perfect as neither fitted properly (why can’t bridal shops have dresses in something other than size 12? We’re not all size 12 you know?!) But neither screamed out “buy me!” I’m going to make another appointment for a third shop later next month. I’d love to find the dress now as I really don’t want to spend all summer looking and I can’t keep dragging Mel up from York every time either.

Things I did learn are that I want a veil and a tiara and that the image of me standing on a beach in some slinky dress really isn’t going to happen. Both dresses I liked were not exactly small. They were both something I didn’t expect to have but I liked them.

Non-wedding stuff:

Duncan has a new job. He’s still at BT and he’s still an agency worker but he’s working full time now for the resource team which means no more sales! He may have to go back to working saturdays but at the moment we’re enjoying our weekends. Next weekend we plan to strip the bathroom and start to repaint it. I hope the weather holds out. He’s also well chuffed as Arsenal won the premiership yesterday afternoon (although not as chuffed as me as Blackburn made 40 points and look safe from relegation now.. woo hoo!)

Next week will be one year to the big day, I can’t believe we’ve been engaged nearly a year already and I still feel like I’ve done nothing in the organisation of the wedding and reception. I feel a busy summer coming on.

Until there is a next time…


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April 26, 2004

Busy but fun!

April 26, 2004

You may feel like you’ve done nothing in the wedding organisation stakes, but you have been busy. NOW GET BUSIER, THERE’S ONLY A YEAR TO GO!!

my sister made dress shopping look so effortless…but everything was too big on her b/c she’s a twig. Bah. 😉