Maps and legends

Wedding stuff:

Well, I went underwear shopping, and boy was that depressing. I had my bra size measured and, as expected, I needed a new size. I got a strapless one for the wedding and then looked for an every day one with no joy. Apparently most shops don’t go over a certain size and any that do, well they’re just truly hideous and not something I want to wear. All the major things are booked now so we can relax a little bit (well, Duncan can relax a lot). I have my lists, timetables and plans all waiting to be put into action – god, how anal am I? There is one thing I can’t control though, Duncan’s mother.

Now, she’s a lovely person. Granted, I’ve only met her once but it was for 10 days and she was very nice. Welcomed me into her home and family. She chats to me on the phone whenever she calls and I’ve never had a single problem with her.  Until (come on, you knew that was coming!) we got engaged and said we were marrying abroad, alone. Every time she emails Duncan she goes on about how we should get married in the UK cos it would be ‘easier’ for him with the paperwork, etc. Never mind that the paperwork for the UK and the Seychelles is virtually identical. Never mind what we want to do? Where do these people come from? These people who, as soon as you mention wedding, start telling you how it should all be, according to them? I was chatting to someone at work about booking the hotel and how I had so much to do and she asked me what I had to do other than book the seychelles hotel and wedding package? How about reception in newcastle, dj, cake, invites, guest list, outfits for both of us, rings,  travel insurance, flights, gift list, information for invited guests, etc. Not much.

Anyway, not only does duncan’s mum think we should get married in the UK (at one point she suggested that we get married in south africa and then get married again in the seychelles! Why would anyone do that?!) She’s decided to come and visit the UK next year, for the reception so she can meet my family. This is a wonderful idea and, basically, our idea.  We thought she’d stay a week, two at most. No, she’s coming for a month. A month on our floor after we’ve got married. Now, maybe I’m being selfish, ok, I am being selfish but after everything is over I was really looking forward to the summer as being just ours. We could get our finances back on track after the wedding and start trying for a baby. Instead we have to spend this summer doing the flat up and turning the computer room into a respectable spare room for my new mother in law (complete with buying new sofa/chair bed as I don’t think she’ll appreciate sleeping on the knackered mattress that’s currently in there).

I’m probably over-reacting and I appreciate that it’s her first time in the UK so she should make the most of it but we’re both going back to work after the reception (work are funny like that, they don’t give endless holidays which I think is wrong 😉 ) so I don’t see what she’s going to do all day. Newcastle is great for touristy things but not four weeks worth. At the end of the day all I can see is the pressure it’s going to add. We both like our own space (look what happened when Andrew turned up) and I don’t want to feel like I have to be the perfect housewife (which I’m not, by a long shot) so she knows her son is being looked after properly and he hasn’t married a complete lunatic and slovenly woman (which he has.) Pah!

Until there is a next time…


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I think you should stick with the Seychelles. She could spend two weeks out there, and then visit you on the way home for a couple of weeks. Or something. I myself have got to spend 6 weeks in Stockton on Tees soon, and I’m beginning to get very nervous about it.

March 24, 2004

Give her a project to do: like turning the computer room into a respectable spare room 🙂

I don’t think it’s selfish of you at all, actually. Surely she must understand that you’re newlyweds and you want some time to yourself? heh I guess not 😛 Mothers. Pah!

March 27, 2004

Not selfsih at all … but a tricky situation. RYN: I was going to make invites but WHSmith have some really nice ones going for half price so I’m going to get those and either print the inserts or learn how to write neatly! hAVE FUN :0)

March 30, 2004

I will feel so much better when everything is booked _and_ paid for!! Argh money! But i won the head dress on ebay. I am dreading the underwear fitting….proud of you for doing it!!! LOL RYN: I wish I had of thought of a book of ideas, but I never thought I woud get married! LOL So now I am turning the fantasy in my head into reality…hard stuff when you hate compromises 😉