Come away with me

Wedding stuff: (now to be easily marked so you can skip over the boring, “my mother is driving me up the wall” rants that are bound to become more frequent in the next 15 months.)

We booked the hotel we wanted. It helped that the more I thought about the second one, the more I hated it and the third one we saw was not only booked for our first choice day but was also wanting to add £300 to the price for room hire. The first choice waived the room hire fee. It’s nice to have something booked. We also ordered some very cool magnets to send out to people coming from outside newcastle, telling them when it’s going to be so they don’t book holidays, etc. We hadn’t budgeted for them but I loved them. I’ve narrowed down my dress search to four or five (the fifth one I can’t find on the net so it may be last seasons in which case it’s a no-go, but still.) Mel’s coming up in April so I can try them on with someone who will tell me whether I look great in them without making me feel I’m some hideously weird freak, as my mother has a habit of doing. I can’t wait till Mel comes up. I think that’s my only regret about going abroad, we always said we’d be each others bridesmaids. I will have to make it up to her somehow.

Non-wedding stuff:

I got my promotion at work. I’m now a fully-trained subtitler and the pay rise that comes with it certainly helps. Not that I’m working right now. I took Friday off for the heck of it and was ill all weekend. I am sick of taking holiday from that place as I always end up sick throughout my time off. Maybe it’s something in the water or air there that I can’t live without. I probably could have gone back today but it’s Duncan’s birthday so I figured I’d spend today with him and go back tomorrow. It’s not like we’re busy at work at the moment. They took on 6 people in Jan which now seems silly as we have hardly enough work for the rest of us without the trainees as well. After last summer and the dearth of programmes that goes with the hot weather (cos, as everyone knows, it’s just repeats over the summer) this year could be a long one without any work. At least we have our staple diet of aerobics, sons and daughters, home and away and family affairs to keep us going. What would we do with channel 5 and their terrible soap operas?

As I said it’s Duncan’s birthday today and I’ve spoilt him with a newish phone (he dropped the other one on the floor and it totally gave up on life) as well as some Arsenal videos and some books. It doesn’t sound much when you write it down like that but it’s not been that cheap. We agreed not to spend too much anyway, as saving for the wedding is the priority for this year.

Apart from that, life is continuing. I just renewed my subscription although I’m not altogether sure why as it’s not like I overuse this place. I guess I need the security of my diary not suddenly disappearing and even though I now have a grown-up job and am acting grown-up with my pension contributions and our wedding planning, I still feel like I need my security blanket that is this place.

Until there is a next time..


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yay for the promotion!! congrats 😀 oh yeah – my sister’s wedding will be in June, most likely, that is if they can even GET married in the UK! *crossing fingers*

March 2, 2004

Congratulations on the promotion!!!!

March 2, 2004

YAY! We can chew each others ears off about various wedding plans. My biggest dilema atm is what music I will be playing….ARGH!!! Take care hon *hugs*

March 6, 2004

Well I enjoy your sporadic entries so am glad you renewed. Do you ever get fed-up of the telly because you have to subtitle all these programmes?