Over my head

‘I fell into the moon, and it covered you in blue’ – Anglie Hart – blue

I’m feeling a little disillusioned with the world at the moment. Not with my life, but the world around me. I can’t believe the political events of the last few days, the whitewash of the hutton report in particular makes me rage and swear at the tv when they start discussing it again. Surely now we need an actual, not government-paid, report into the lies Blair told us to get us into iraq? What a waste of taxpayers money the hutton report was. Grrrrr.

I had a good birthday. I was off work and Duncan took me out for lunch in town and let me wander the second hand book stall without complaint. In the evening we just had takeaway and he brought me a giant cookie that said happy birthday on it. It was worth breaking the diet for. He bought me the dido cd, buffy series 3 on dvd and a stack load more of buffy/angel books as well as a book on rune stones (as my mum bought me runes for xmas) I also got a buffy cd (again a theme) from Mel, the linkin park cd from Mary, who wants to be a millionaire game dvd from richard and a waterstones voucher from Tony and Kelly. My mum’s bringing me a yoga mat this weekend and my brother’s getting me the norah jones cd, so I don’t think I did too badly over all.

My mum arrives tomorrow (which means I need to spend to night cleaning and tidying everything up, fun!) It’s going to be quite the weddingy weekend with the wedding fair followed by hotel visits on friday and dress trying-on on saturday. She leaves on sunday morning and then back to work on monday, so probably won’t feel like we’ve had much of a relaxing weekend. We intend to do very little next weekend to make up for it.

It’s freezing in Newcastle at the moment. We’ve had a bit of snow, but only about an inch or so. There have been places worse hit than us, but the fuss the south east is making is laughable. They couldn’t get their trains to run much yesterday or today and it seems that gritting is something that is intermittant around the country. Funny, as in newcastle all the metros ran and the roads were fine. No chaos for us. It makes me laugh because 15/20 years ago a few inches of snow didn’t warrant news reports and panic buying, it was part of winter. I used to get so many days off school in january from snow, especially towards the end of the month around my birthday. Has everyone suddenly forgotten that snow is a normal part of winter? They make bets on whether it’ll snow on christmas day and it never does, it’s always in the middle of winter, which is what january is.

I’ll leave you with questions… why does Baywatch Hawaii have no plot? and, more to the point, why has no-one drowned yet or needed rescueing? They’re walking in the jungle ffs!!!

Until there is a next time…


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i still have your birthday card somewhere…it’s a good thing it’s a belated b-day card I guess!! 😉 hahaha wow i’m so crap! you know i love you ;p

January 29, 2004

Another question: Why are you watching Baywatch Hawaii??!

January 30, 2004

happy birthday! i too thought at first that hutton appeared a whitewash and then thought that he couldn’t really win. if they said he was at fault he lost and if they didn’t, everyone would say whitewash and he loses too. i’ve never doubted the independence of these reviews before–and I wrote my dissertation on one. I think the lack of criticism is because people accept it’s independence.